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What is this itch that i have??? lol

Started by fishdaddy, January 31, 2008, 10:57:37 PM

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HI nice to meet you all! I am new (4 months in)to the art of saltwater and don't know how to cure this itch :D maybe you can help?i have (lol) you see this problem every other day i go out and promise my self that this will be the last time ::)nothing else this week just one rock (no no no)that crab (no no) that fish i cant decide ;) i think that my family and friends are starting to notice, the bags under my eyes late nights staring at my tanks for hours on end ....I know that they are going to say some thing soon, but i can stop any time i want!!!!!!!! lol don't i am not to crazzzy! i just want to have a little fun. but i know i am not the only one out there that started like this.i am already planing my next two tanks 220g and 3++g tank in the years to come.and looking forward to asking for help about this or that or even in time helping someone else out!?!
thanks for reading looking forward to chatting with you.
                    p.s does any one want to buy a bike to help to fund my new habit?????
                                          (just kidding!???????)



 I can relate :)
I started with a 10 gal goldfish tank for my kids 3 years ago.  11-12 tanks are now up and running and my husband is talking about reinforcing the floor in the livingroom!  Family and friends don't understand... fortunately my husband has grown to love the fish as much as I.  It is still so traumatic when you lose one.  Compare the cost/time of a tank fish  to a new purebred puppy with vet bills, food, training, toys, grooming ect.  No one thinks that getting a dog is weird!
Jade 8)


im pretty sure almost everybody on this site is exactly like you fishdaddy! i personally have 8 tanks....


Some people stay totally into it, always trying to move ahead and end up with tanks in every room. But I think most people settel down after a couple of years and try to perfect one or two tanks. I keep moving ahead by learning about water chemitstry and aquatic biology instead of adding new tanks. I will have two display tanks soon down from 5. Quarantine tanks, sumps refugium, phyto cultures and live food production don't count right?  :P


I feel the same as you fishdaddy, OMG is it addicting. And the people here on this site don't help, selling frags for a fraction of the cost of the lfs. ARRRGGGHHH so many deals, so little patience waiting for my tank to "catch up" to the change, but I find myself just sitting and looking at the tank and obssesing over. I think I may need to go to FLA "fish lovers annonymous"



i have 20 tanks now.  :D

They are all freshwater, but 6 are display tanks and the rest are for breeding, etc.

But thats better than before.

I've been in the hobby since I was 12 (41 years), and went up and down in the number of tanks, but 8 years ago I had only one 50g tank - thats all. Then I joined OVAS, and i bought 3 tanks from someone in this club who was leaving town.


When big Als moved from Belfast to innes, I went to the old store and bought a used 150g, and their complete double sided old tetra aisle - a total of 37 more tanks to add to my 4! (thanks ArtW for helping to move them with the truck!)

After realising they didnt even all fit in my basement I got it down to 17 running tanks, after selling 18 to Aquaria-Canada - but then i nabbed this great deal for another 150g.  I was at 18 tanks again!

last week i emptied a 40g, and replaced it with three 10s.

So, yes I have 20 tanks up and running.

1 150
1 110
3 70s
1 50
11 40s
3 10s

the 6 biggest tanks are display tanks.

But years ago I decided that the top floor of my house was fish-free. 18 of the 20 are in my basement.

Thank Gawd.

P.S. Don't even ask me about my hydro bill.
1 210g Asian Community planted fast water tank: balas, tiger & black ruby barbs, red-tail black shark, rainbows, loaches, SAEs, gold CAEs, 1500GPH river flow, plus 1500gph filtration.
1 75g African planted tank: 3 synos (had them since the 90s), yellow labs, kribensis.
1 40g breeder, silicone-divided into two - quarantine and nursery.


I love reading about others' tanks!
Then I can say "See honey, we're not THAT bad"!!


its an addiction, i can not go into a LFS and not buy something
as for the tanks im cut off for now, but two years ago had
3x 75g
4 x 40g breeders
down to 3 fw running
1x75g turtle tank, 2x FRB, 1x croc. newt
1x75g bichirs
1x55g bichirs