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Man made reefs

Started by dan2x38, January 20, 2008, 12:15:26 AM

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While watching discovery channel today on 'Dirty Jobs' they built pH correct contere reefs. They are used to replace reefs destroyed by storms, boats, or to add to locations requested. They create moulds out of fibreglass. Inside they the mould they place some rocks standing on end then dump sand in. They leave part of the rocks sticking up. They poor pH safe concrete into the mould covering the top of the rocks. In the concrete they stick some shells in it for small homes. Then add some more rocks standing up with more sand, more concrete, more shells, etc. It is cone shaped. They remove the mould and hose off the sand. Then they place them on boats lower into position. They have created over 650,000 around the World.

After the big sumonie sp. they help rebuild the reefs in these countries to help re-establish the seas for the coastal communities economies. An amazing show today.

On AE I watched the other day they sank a wide body jet airliner off the coast of BC as a reef for divers to dive on. What a project that was. The BC Reef Society builds a lot of these projects using old naval ships, etc.

Thought I'd share...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thanks Dan..

I watched that episode fo Dirty Jobs a couple days ago.. it was great!  Here's a quick news spot about it: