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OVAS or PhpBB?

Started by dannypd, February 24, 2005, 11:59:18 PM

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Speaking of Firefox, version 1.01 has just been released.  This version fixes some security issues.  Firefox users should upgrade.



This is an issue when using a Mozilla based browser.  I get them all the time as well as I use Firefox.

If you dont like them, you are going to have to use IE for this forum.

I am not sure if any recent updates of phpBB might have a fix or not, I would imagine they would.


The most recent version of phpBB came out just a few days ago and we'll be upgrading soon. We're currently using the version just prior to that one.


Quote from: "Marc"The most recent version of phpBB came out just a few days ago and we'll be upgrading soon. We're currently using the version just prior to that one.

Check the release notes to see if the fix is included.


Yes I do have this problem and it comes up when I am using Firefox.

Just hit the F5 key on your keyboard (it's a shortcut, that refreshes the page, rather than clicking a button to refresh).  I guess I am just lazy lol :roll:

If you are posting and you click to send it and you have this error, you don't need to hit the back button or restart your post, you just have to refresh the page (it'll go through).

This problem just happends at random though (not just after you post).  Heck, sometimes the error doesn't come up after I post!


I am using IE6.


If I look at the 'source' of these white pages, I see them as well.

I *THINK* it has to do with the actual server, how many active connections are allowed?  If its TWO (2) (EXAMPLE ONLY), and three (3) people try to post, one will be timed-out...


I just installed the new released Firefox 1.0.1 and I have not had the issue again since and it is like twice as fast.

Check it out people!  8)


I do the same refresh the page and it will go through. But this doesnt happen often. Im using IE.


If I hit F5 (refresh) in IE, I get:

"No post mode specified"


Quote from: "dannypd"If I hit F5 (refresh) in IE, I get:

"No post mode specified"


hmm. that's very strange.

What you could do is fire up a back up plan. (I know it may sound ridiculous but hear me out).

Highlight the message you are typing, EVERYTHING in your message, even the tags like Quote or something, then right click on the highlighted stuff and then click on copy.

DO NOT cut.

Then what you do is open up a word proccessing program such as Wordpad or Word, then you hold down the ctrl key and the v key and then let go!, and it should there!.

If you end up clicking to send your message and it goes through succesfully then great!, if not then you at least have a copy of it to try again! :D  

Hope this helps.


lol, I copy the message before posting.

If it doesn't work, I go back, PASTE and voila.

No need for middle program.


It's that "keep alive" part that always bothers me..... I get the white pages whether using IE or Explorer. It happens whether or not I am looking from home or work (shh!), about 10% of the time.
Go figure.