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29 Gallon Ecco freindly tank

Started by sniggir, January 27, 2008, 10:59:33 AM

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Hey guys

I am starting a ecco freindly SW tank and this is going to be my journal log, with cost and such shown aswell as soem resurch and cool sites I may find as I go.

Okay now I am setting down ground rule for this tank

1. has to be all DIY Rock

2. I can't buy anything from the ocean, with the acception to hermits, snail and such, that being said I will not have rare and exsotic invertabrates in the tank

3. all of the Fish have to be tank raise, not aquacultured.

4 all Corals will come as frags, and will come from peoples systems

the reason I am doing this is that I alsways hear from people that say I don't do SW as it destroys the ocean..
....... well I don't think that inorder to enjoy this hobby you have to take a chunk of the Great Barrier Reef and throw it into your tank, it does take alittle more planning outand resurch on your part but it can be done and will be beautiful.

alright anough gabbing

hear is my equipment list so far

Tank: 29 gal bow front
stand big al's cedar stand
100w ebo jagar heater
10gal sump... is the only thing that will fit....
ocean runner 3500 for return
Tunze nano skimmer
250w MH with 2 24" T5 attinic, the bulbs will be either a reeflux 12K or a XM 20, with 2 UV true attinic
1-2 Korylia pumps

Live Stock

I am have a custom Background Made by Pat at ottawa inverts, he has been helping me with idea's, and giveng me viable solutions as to what I can stock my tank with.. will keep you posted as I get stock. but I do have a nice surpise for the first fish to go into the tank.... :-X

let me know what you guys think

90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Good idea - looking forward to seeing it up and running.
Now what fish was that?? :)


you will see... but very nice... and hard to find.. and of course tabk raised, I will be able to speed everything up when DarkDep has time to work on his tank, as I have some LS of his in the tank at the moment. But then I should have something pic worthy in about a month I hope!
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


We just really found out about this concept and LOVE the idea.  I wish we had known about it before setting up our tank.

I think you should write an article on it for the OVAS site.


once i get some more reasurch done, and can put it down in a nicely writen format, I will see what the ecex think of it.

but definalty will make an attempt
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I'm not a salt-water person, so this may be a stupid question. I understand why you'd not want wild-caught fish in your project, but I'm curious what the difference is between aqua-cultured versus tank-raised fish?


aqua cultured they generaly fence off a part of the ocean and raise the fish and such in that area, which destroys the local ecco system, where as tank raised and bread has had no effect. I am trying to have as little effect on the ocean as possible with this tank.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Is this "surprise" fish the ones you were telling me about when I was there on Wed?  If so - mums the word...but they will be cool - look forward to seeing pics.
120 gal - Salt water Fish Only
25 gal - Salt Water Reef
Rotti named Nimh
Cat named Yoda
Numerous Bearded Dragons
Numerous BP's and other snakes
Numerous other geckos and lizards


90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


mum's the word - can't wait to see it. :)
120 gal - Salt water Fish Only
25 gal - Salt Water Reef
Rotti named Nimh
Cat named Yoda
Numerous Bearded Dragons
Numerous BP's and other snakes
Numerous other geckos and lizards


gonna try and pu together the lighting tommorow, 250 MH with 2 T5 attinic, trying to decide between the reeflux 12k and the xm 20k
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I really love this idea.
It would be great if you could write an article about it thats for sure.
Your idea has inspired me to tear down a tank in the bedroom and now I too will be building an eco tank for our hall way upstairs.