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Marine Reference sites

Started by groan, January 13, 2008, 09:32:37 AM

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in looking for appropriate fish for my tank, i came across this:
it dosnt give info about tank sizes but fish size is there and some good pics.

has anyone else come across any good reference sites?

Others from this thread: - site with forum/gallery format of fish, corals and inverts, and equipment with small reviews on each. allows comments. - good site with lots of revies on books, and a good gallery/reference on fish and inverts - this is a commercial site, so keep in mind that these two 'Doctors' want to sell you  stuff. regardless, great site with good pics and they even give minimum tank sizes for fish they stock. - This is a great site if you are looking ti ID a hitchhiker, or jsut to get LOTS of general and sometimes very specific information on just about anything. It takes a bit to get used to the format (This Bob Fenner guy quotes other peoples messages and then inserts his own comments between the texts). Still one of the best sites out there for information. - A good reference to tell you about the parameters around reefkeeping. What the levels should be and explaining each.


For a general online reference I use Live Aquaria

Then I usually go to Bob Fenner's site WetWebMedia to get specific species info.


Thanks for the lists, as a newbie, it sure helps!


If people keep adding sites i'll keep the first post updated.


Once you get used to wetweb you can dig through the articles sections and avoid discussions easily enough. His site is like a giant vat he threw everything into for creating his books and the online publication some of you may have heard about. The Conscientious Marine Aquariust.

The key seems to be in the Linked text. I do try and avoid the discussion as much as possible. sometimes you find an answer there but most time I am after the species profiles he has. Some of them are a couple of pages deep!


bump for reference and to keep it top-side.



Wow, great little thread. Somehow I missed this thread first time around!
WetWeb has be my fav. of them. There's some real great coral propagation questions/articles -every species listed. The majority of them seem to be answered by none other than Mr.Calfo, part of the WetWebMedia crew.

Ive been to I think all the ones you named, but I hope people keep gathering wisdom who haven't been to these sites   ...Oh! never been to saltcorner, just checked it out

Here's a great one's for people who have a hardtime remembering exact specific parameters, or just need that reference- I know I do :)
