New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by fishyboom, February 29, 2008, 05:20:36 PM

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Good day everyone,

I am a regular visitor to OVAS.  I even bought a 120 gal tank off one of the members. 
So i decided it was time to introduce myself. 
I have a 120 gal with african cichlids (assorted), sorry don't know all the names  kinda new at this. Also a Jack Dempsey.   1 rena XP3, and 1 fluval 405 are the filtration.  i know its overkill but i figure you can't go wrong with a little extra filtration. 
2nd tank is a 110 gal with 1 tiger oscar, 1 red tail cichlisoma, 1 texas cichlid, 1 firemouth, 1 green terror, and 1 convict. running 1 rena xp4 and a fluval 304.
+ one 30 gal hospital tank with 7 tiger barbs and 1 african (being treated with melafix).  He got the beats pretty bad  even ended up loosing an eye. (poor little bugger).

anyways  thats what i have  (all in a 1 bedroom apt i might add) lol 
So good to be a part of this society, and looking forward to Sunday.
see you all there,



Welcome this is a great group of fishnatics!  I hope more of us make u feel welcome.  Sounds like you've got lots of fish already.  It took me 2 years to move up to a 20 gal and then it skyrocketed now I have too many but keeping looking at more.  lol


Welcome John!  Sounds like quite the set-ups you have there, in such a small area. :) 


Welcome John nice to meet ya... Wow quite a set-up of toughies... LOL  :D Also sounds like some tight quarters there.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


i've been at for a little over2 years now. started off with the 30.  (those were roughtimes)  went through dozens of australian rainbows. that was before i realized how important water chemestry was.  lol   
Then i got the 120.  bought it off a whim.  i brought it home and ofcourse the gf yelled at me.  you know the old "where are we going to put that."  lol   well i got rid of a chair and there ya go   fit right in!   this one i cycled for 8 weeks.  still not knowing what i was going to put into it.  Then a buddy of mine was moving to a smaller place and tearing down his 55.  so i got his 8 africans. (4 yellow labs, and 4 rustys).  WHAM  I was hooked.
i have since added 2 red empress, 2 Lumbila, 3 melanochromis auratus, 2 venustus, and 5 others i can't find the names for.  (just looked up the ones i listed) See this site has helped me already!   
The 110 took some serious butt kissing to get it in here.   I was "forced" to get rid of my 6 foot boa to make room. (at first that is) hehe.   i ditched a filing cabnet and an end table to move the boa, and the tank went into the old spot.   (took someserious flack for that one!)

surprisingly enough we have plenty of room.  its a rather large 1 bedroom.  gotta love Minto!   hahaha   well maybe not  but i love the apt.   

I am currently trying to convince the gf to get rid of the dining room table.  I want to put a nice 240 in there. but I don't think that'll fly. 


Quote from: fishyboom on March 01, 2008, 07:15:57 AM
I am currently trying to convince the gf to get rid of the dining room table.  I want to put a nice 240 in there. but I don't think that'll fly. 

If you figure that out, tell me so I can get my hubby to do the same! :D


WOO HOO   just picked up a 65!   going in the bedroom     as for the 240.  well that might have to wait for a house  lol


How about a fish tank dinning room table?  ::) 8)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: fishyboom on March 01, 2008, 07:15:57 AM
i've been at for a little over2 years now. started off with the 30.  (those were roughtimes)  went through dozens of australian rainbows. that was before i realized how important water chemestry was.  lol   
Then i got the 120.  bought it off a whim.  i brought it home and ofcourse the gf yelled at me.  you know the old "where are we going to put that."  lol   well i got rid of a chair and there ya go   fit right in!   this one i cycled for 8 weeks.  still not knowing what i was going to put into it.  Then a buddy of mine was moving to a smaller place and tearing down his 55.  so i got his 8 africans. (4 yellow labs, and 4 rustys).  WHAM  I was hooked.
i have since added 2 red empress, 2 Lumbila, 3 melanochromis auratus, 2 venustus, and 5 others i can't find the names for.  (just looked up the ones i listed) See this site has helped me already!   
The 110 took some serious butt kissing to get it in here.   I was "forced" to get rid of my 6 foot boa to make room. (at first that is) hehe.   i ditched a filing cabnet and an end table to move the boa, and the tank went into the old spot.   (took someserious flack for that one!)

surprisingly enough we have plenty of room.  its a rather large 1 bedroom.  gotta love Minto!   hahaha   well maybe not  but i love the apt.   

I am currently trying to convince the gf to get rid of the dining room table.  I want to put a nice 240 in there. but I don't think that'll fly. 

Welcome to the club, nice sounding tanks.  As for Minto....I rather not love them, still waiting for a ton of repairs in my new house.


Hope Iwas as good as you in convincing my hubby, he's still complaining about the 75 gal I bought last fall  :D

He doesn't know yet about the 20gal I bought yesterday at the auction, it's still in my trunck  ;D

Quite a crew you have in those tanks




thanks for all the welcomes,

im not sure if this is the right place to ask this.  but i'm having an issue in my s american tank.  it seems as though my convict and the texas cichlid have eggs.  both are protecting them. the convict beside them and the texas patroling.  very strange.  i discovered it this morning while cleaning the tank.  (day off bc of weather).  I have never been bite so many times in my life.  any ideas.
is it poss. for cross breeding?
any advice would be appreciated.  The 2 little buggers even have a 4 inch Jack Dempsey and a 6 inch Oscar hiding in the corners of the tank.