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Question for the moderators.....

Started by Sailfin, March 24, 2005, 11:28:54 AM

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Ok, I read that someone has been having spyware and virus problems.     I have too, and I am giving up on my computer soon and just going to re-program it.

I look at a variety of sites, but most often it is this website.

Is this OVAS website 100% safe from spyware and viruses?   I cleaned out my computer a week ago, no viruses or spyware......I've been coming to this site, and I started getting them again.

Could you please check on this please.   I'm starting to think that this site is almost like hotmail.    Viruses and trojan horses can be hidden behind messages, and as soon as some one clicks on the message, you have a surprise in your hard drive.

As a webpage designer, I also know that the ad located at the top, can easily carry viruses, and it gives you unnecessary cookies...I had my share of that!


The ad does not set cookies and cannot carry a virus.

The messages do not contain viruses and trojans and you cannot get a virus or trojan by viewing the messages.  This bulletin board runs on phpBB software and phpBB takes security seriously.

I come to the OVAS website all the time and I have never had a virus or spyware.



Yes, you won't get any viruses from visiting this website...


There was actually a recent exploit with phpBB (not sure which version), but it allowed a worm called Santy.A to exploit phpBB forums to send out spam emails... but generally, you're pretty safe. Use some better anti-virus and ad-ware/malware/firewall tools.


Quote from: "Shouganai"There was actually a recent exploit with phpBB (not sure which version), but it allowed a worm called Santy.A to exploit phpBB forums to send out spam emails... but generally, you're pretty safe. Use some better anti-virus and ad-ware/malware/firewall tools.

Almost 90% of virus' come from users inexperience or accidental "clicking".

Another 9% come from software flaws, but again, must be exploited by the above.

The 1% of major server-based software flaws (internet explorer is technically a server when it is exposed to flaws).


I don't have any issues with my comp.Here is what I do to keep it clean. I use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer its free and I have literally not seen a popup in 2 years. Set your options to block cookies and if a site doesnt load properly FireFox will tell you to click to allow the cookie.
I have Symantec (Norton) Corporate  Antivirus constantly running along with ZoneAlarm Pro and Ad-Aware Pro. Occasionally I also scan with Microsofts Antispyware and Spybot search and destroy.
Overkill yes but my machine is fast enough to run these at the same time with no slowdown so why not.

DOWNLOAD.COM has many free utilities you can try and if you like buy the pro version or stick with the free.
Such as ZONEALARM, SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY and AVAST antivirus  all are free to use and easy to understand.

MICROSOFTS website you can grab their antispyware for free.Try it,it even found goodies on my machine which I thought was fairly safe.

Windows XP has a built in firewall make sure its ON.Its not the best but its something.


I actually only use the Windows XP firewall and occasionally SB search and destroy.  it comes with a handy Active X blocker and Registry editor-blocker, so if ANY spyware wants to get on my computer it has to ask me first.

works very well.  spyware free.  and virus free thanks to AVG


Art I urge you to try Microsofts offering (just for fun)
I thought Spybot was keeping me clean as well........I was apparently wrong.
I'm not usually an advocate of Microsoft but this (free) product WORKED !

**** If you use a spyware or virus software UPDATE it or it is useless***


I have (and use) Norton Antivirus 2005 and Webroot Spy Sweeper.

I love them both.

Spy Sweeper get's the job done really well and so does Norton.

Ad-Aware I am sure is a good program... if you buy it!, but the free one (Personal Edition) is absolute garbage!.

Oh sure, it'll detect the spyware and other junk, but it won't remove it, even though it says it will, it deosn't.

Spy Sweeper on the other hand detects, quaratines, and deletes, plus it also sits in the system tray so if anything tries to come in.. BAM! Spy Sweeper will let me know.

Plus, it is very easy to use, and has a wide range of options, aswell as updates that come out very often! :)


I'm using Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security 2005 which includes anti-virus, firewall, spyware detection/removal all in one package.  It also checks and tells you if your copy Windows is not up to date with patches etc.

I decided to use it after reading reviews for it.  I've only been using it a little while so far but I'm very happy with it.  It uses a lot less resources than Norton which I was using before.


I used AVG for my anti-virus, spysweeper AND spybot for spyware and I have a hardware firewall.

If you don't have a hardware firewall, at the very least, download zonealarm.  Its free for personal use, ease to use, and does the job nicely.


Sygate Personal Firewall(free)
AdAware (free)
SpySweeper (trial)
MS AntiSpyware (can't believe I'm actually using this)

Overkill, maybe, but better safe than sorry. Can't say I ever find much though, as I use FireFox 1.0.2 for browsing. Free, safe, fast, easy, tabs, etc etc etc.....why bother with MS IE?????

Now my BFs Mother....EEP! You should have seen what AdAware found, and Spybot.....2,400 "threats". That's just insane. IE, and no active virus control either....and she's MAD at ME for messing with her puter and changing the way some things "look".

Had to remove Firefox, she didn't like the icon on the desktop...sheesh.....

Oh, and no, nothing bad ever from the ovas site.


Quote from: "luvfishies"Sygate Personal Firewall(free)
AdAware (free)
SpySweeper (trial)
MS AntiSpyware (can't believe I'm actually using this)

Overkill is bad, there's a HIGH possibility that if ANY of those programs actually FINDS something, it'll cause red alerts everywhere.  One will quarenteen it, the other will see it being quarenteened, and it'll be a vicious cycle.

Infact, running AdAware AND Spybot S&D will cause slight problems and MANY MANY false alarms.


I've not had those issues here at all, actually. I've "set" S/D to "ignore" AdAware.

I also don't run them at the same time.

I'll be discontinuing SpySweeper after the trial period is over, anyways. Initially it found 33 minor items, nothing since then....


you know, if you guys just use the Spybot immunizer,  Teatimer (which is the spybot registry blocker) and the spybot ActiveX controls,,,,,  you wont need to ever worry about Spyware.. all in one nice little package.

You see in order for spyware to actually WORK it needs to change your Registry.  this is one of the things the Linux pundits like to throw in your face, the fact Windows has this HORRIBLE registry.  Fact is,  it runs your computer, and ANYTHING that wants to run MUST modify your registry FULLSTOP...

if spyware cant access your registry unless you allow it you will never have spyware. hehe :D