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Sponsor Sites?

Started by dan2x38, July 04, 2008, 07:50:14 PM

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As a suggestion I'd contact the sponsor direct via e-mail before posting suspected virus', errors, & crashes from links to their sites. It could be an issue on your side alone! Reporting in an open forum might scare off other users of that site or potential customers. You could also report the issue to our Webmaster. Remember this is their bread & butter.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


and your virus scanner may pick up a cookie, and view it as a virus


To play devils advocate, it is also my computer and the computers of my fellow club members and if their ever happens to be a virus people might be happy to know about it before visiting the site.  As mentioned though, it is likely just over sensitive virus scan.


I run Norton Corporate Edition (resident), Microsoft Firewall is enabled (XP Professional), also behind a router using WEP security, and run Spybot Teatimer (resident program). I've received no warnings from any sponsor's sites. Either way I think we should have a better way of reporting such issues or potential ones.

I worked for many years in Hi-Tech as a network admin. and at the senior level. It was policy for the system users to report potential issues to our team not broadcast warnings system wide. This prevented widespread panic and wasted bandwidth on e-mail traffic. It also gave us heads up ASAP so we could investigate the validity of the issue. More often then not it was not a virus but a hoax. IMO we should notify the sponsor instead of posting in there forum!

It is quite common for users to run more than one virus protection utility at once. One will give false positives due to reading the other program's signature files when they are accessed. Myself I go to McAffe & Symantec (Norton) and check if there are actual warnings regarding the issue.

As a test I ensured I'd downloaded all Spybot updates there are - 170,305 items in the database. I ran a full scan there were no reported issues. Ensured Norton was up to date it is dated July 2, 2008 total items in database - 75,145. Norton also runs resident always. After I scanned with no positive detections I reopened OVAS. I kept pressing F5 until the sponsor's Logo in question was displayed in the banner section. Then clicked on their Logo and no detections, warnings, or errors.

I would suggest submitting your issues to our Webmaster to investigate. Also unless the sponsor is hosting their own website - which is very rare - their website is hosted by an ISP. Therefore the ISP should be the responsible one for any questionable code.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


your webmaster does not control what's on the sponsor's web sites.  You should send your comments to the webmaster for the specific site.