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Puting Plants in a full tank of water

Started by Torino, July 17, 2008, 06:00:40 PM

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My tank is filled up with no plants yet

ones i get some plants how would i plant them

is it good to stick my hands all the way down '' 18 '' deep and try to stick the plant in the gravel


Well, I for one try to do my planting during a water change. I siphon out some water, plant, then put in new water. But there's no harm in sticking your hand up to your armpit in your tank ;D

But you should do some research, as all plants do not belong in the gravel, e.g. java fern actually root on wood and rocks, not in gravel, and stem plants do better if you don't plant them in gravel, but just weigh them down or stick them underneath something with the ends still exposed.


On most plants, I tie fishing weights to the stems and drop them in.

Others, I put my arm in to plant them.

My fish don't mind my arm.


Only reason i asked is becuse i reas somewhere that sticking ur hands in the water can play with the PH


Quote from: Torino on July 18, 2008, 09:42:37 PM
Only reason i asked is becuse i reas somewhere that sticking ur hands in the water can play with the PH
Wouldn't think it makes sucha difference, unless you leave it in for a prolonged period of time (say, until you wrinkle ;D) or if you just put something on your skin like lotion or harsh cleaners or whatnot.

As for fish minding the arm, I've noticed the older fish don't care, but the younger or more active fish will investigate, and by investigate I mean touch or even ram into the arm. It's a real tickly feeling with a school of danios :D


I had some fish try to eat the hair off my arm. They must of assumed they were little black worms. It doesn't hurt at all, just feels weird. It actually makes me jump everytime if I don't see them comming at me. Quite entertaining for the people watching when I'm 22 inches deep in water and I jump.

Just wash and rinse your hands very well before putting them in the tank. Occasionally putting your hand in shouldn't cause any issues. You can also buy stainless steel tongs or a plastic aquascaping tool from the LFS to minimize contact with your water.