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60G - Planted

Started by sdivell, October 10, 2007, 02:02:52 PM

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I'll post some new pics tonight if i have a chance Charlie but I'm sad to report the bba is back and all over a couple of my slower growing hygros.  I'm currently concidering breaking down this tank in the new year and moving my salt water into it.. or selling it completly and going even bigger with salt... we shall see.


Well its been....awhile since I've posted in this thread. (I know that because the forum is warning me that its been over 30 days since its been posted in and asking if I'm sure i want to post  ;D)

My battle with bba maybe on its way down.  I have stopped running DIY Co2 yeast on this tank and begun overdosing with Flourish excel and after only 2 days the bba is turning red and dieing off.  The cycle of overdosing is 10 days before a large water change so I will keep an eye on that and update for anyone else who is battling evil bba. 

Also to report I've purchased a 60g tank - 48x12x24 and I will be slowly building that tank up to transfer this 21g into.  Go big or go home i guess  ;D.

Now onto a new topic for this thread the new 60g I'm going to be building a DIY stand and a DIY light hood.  After conversations with Charlie and Big Daddy (i wish he would change his name, i get uncomfortable saying it) I think I'm going to go with T5's from B&B Hydroponics - discussed here -  My plan is to purchase 3 of the 54watt 48" t5s and building my own reflectors for them.  Anyone know if I'm going to have trouble fitting them in with only 12" width to work with?

Also anyone want to help design the hood so I can have a nice wood look and still be able to get good access for maintenance?


BBA is gone... Excel worked like a charm with no plant loss.  So anyone fighting this BBA sickness I would recommend 1 cap full per 20 gallons per day for 10 days followed by a big water change.  the bba all turned red then disappeared. 

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Ok, things are well on their way now.  lets get up to speed.

60g tank purchased - 48x12x24
Metal stand purchased - needed some TLC to get it nicely level and sturdy but a good deal
AC110 purchased at petsmart on sale - I may also try and get a used canister filter to run as well but for now the HOB will be fine as I don't plan to overstock this one.
Coralife 2x65watt pc fixture on sale at BAs

Plans: Ok this is where I am lacking  ;D
The height is an issue as the stand is pretty high plus having a 24" tank ontop of it, I might actually construct a small step infront of the tank to make maintenence and planting a little easier.

Aquascaping I was hoping for a very 'canada lake' look with a good hunk of driftwood (probably the same one i have in my 21g) and some good sized rocks. 

I was hoping to go with only flourite as a substrate but that being said I was thinking about building up one side of the tank with a slate wall and a deep substrate to give some depth.  (Could I use brown gravel under this section without trouble?)

I have 2 bags of flourite in my 21 which i plan on moving into the 60 I'm also going to buy 3 new bags giving me a total of 75lbs (is that over kill?)

any ideas on types of rocks i should use? sources for this rock?
Stocking ideas? 


Long day but its up and full of water.  Planted some spiral val that I got from Bigdaddy and were growing out in my 21g.

still really cloudy as I have 2 new bags of flourite in there under 2 old bags of flourite.  I've got probably 5" of flourite though which should be a nice base for planting. 

My plan is to do an amazon river tank so I'm going to do mostly tetras and corys and maybe a couple blue rams when the tank gets cycled.

What do you guys think?

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Looks clean for 4 bags of fluorite :)
5", don't you think is a bit too much? You will have some concern when you do gravel vac, but if you go with swords, it is perfect ;)
75 gal - Mosquito rasbora, Bushynose pleco, RCS
9 gal - CRS
40 gal - Longfin Albino Bushynose pleco, RCS


Doing tank maint. today so I thought I would snap a shot of the tank to show the progress.  Most of the plants have finally set roots...except for the dwarf sag in the front (only about 3 plants) they keep up rooting which is a pain to replant with my 24" tall tank.. i basically go swimming.

I need some taller plants and I may head out to BA today to check out if they have any angels.

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I have a 24" tall tank too, and find it not without its challenges.   Aquascaping can be quite difficult, especially at the back of the tank.

I have more watts per gallon than you, but my tank also doesn't have CO2. Most of my stem plants are quite leggy for the first 6" from the bottom and then start getting enough light to grow nicely.
I don't know if you're looking for suggestions on plant species, but the ones that do well in my tank are:
- crypts (I've got wendtii and something else short and green), balansae is a nice tall contrast,
- if you can get your hands on one of the plant contest plants, it's amazing; very attractive and tall.
- Crinum calamistratum.  Again, a tall thin plant.
- I have java fern (both types) tied to driftwood for plants at different heights.
- pennywort does very well in my tank, and I also good growth at the bottom of the tank.
- African fern tied to low driftwood makes for some good mid level plant growth
- Hygro's a good option to try too.
- If my fish didn't devour moss, then I'd have that tied on too.

I don't know if you make it out to the auctions, but many sp of these show up there.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Haven't updated this since Feb.

The tank has obviously grown in a little more and some new plants have been added and some plants have been subtracted.

I've upgraded the filter to a Rena XP2.. and you might notice in the picture that I'm also still running my AC110.  I'm going to leave it on for a few weeks while the media in the Rena seeds.

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 :)  Your tank looks great, I really like the amount of plants you got in there, not over done and not under done.  I need to add more to my tank, but have to get the algae thing under control first I think....


Thanks Dawn.

I'm actually still trying to get more plants to fill this tank in a little more.  My goal is to not have any substrate or background visible when you look into the tank.  Still a lot more plants to be aquired yet.  ;)