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Trachyphyllia released eggs tonight!

Started by Funkmotor, December 15, 2008, 12:16:36 AM

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I have a small (7" expanded) Trachyphyllia that produced an egg sac tonight.  I've never seen it do it before, but I sat and watched it produce this sac over a period of about an hour.

I didn't see what happened to the sac as - sadly - I had to put my kids to bed and when I returned the sac was gone.  But there is no doubt that the brain produced this thing as opposed to catching/consuming it.

The brain itself is quite healthy and produces feeding tentacles every night (and sometimes during the day.)

Anyone else seen this?  I mean, it sure looked to me like there were eggs in there...but I could be wrong.

Makes me think I'm doing something right.   8)


Very cool! I thought they just split to reproduce.


I don't think they release eggs this way.  In my experience they release substance via the holes in the brain.
My once inflated and released something.(it may have been pooping?).


Quote from: Julie on December 15, 2008, 07:43:07 AM
I don't think they release eggs this way.  In my experience they release substance via the holes in the brain.
My once inflated and released something.(it may have been pooping?).

I've read that they will release eggs and sperm (depending on their sex) depending on moon cycles and the like.  I just can't find any pictures of it happening, and until I do I won't be sure.  Though if it's the case, mine's a girl.

Mine regularly poops...she will inflate herself about as much as she can, and then rapidly deflate and ejects some stringy slime (for lack of a better word.)  The more I've fed her, the more she will do, so there's little doubt that's what it is.

Seeing the thing gradually produce a sac full of eggs, however, definitely isn't ordinary.