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Saltwater hobbyists

Started by dan2x38, January 31, 2009, 12:07:26 PM

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Guys hope you bring some of your frags, fish, live rock, and equipment to the Giant Auction March 1st! Preregister them so folks see the items for sale. Also mention them in this thread What are you thinking of bringing to the Giant Auction?!. Chances are you'll get more at the auction than in the classifieds or sitting at home. If you bring your stuff and others don't guess whose will sell highest? Maybe you could convert some more of us? ;)

Hey maybe some of the club sponsors will show-off their wares?  8)

Here is a discussion on this topic:

Quote from: Cheebs on January 30, 2009, 02:25:28 PM
Oh I don't see why not, but it seems like most shy away from it, not only because freshwater is More popular at these auctions, but it may be hard to sell a coral that's been sitting in a bag for a few hours. It may be tough to know exactly how healthy it is or what it looks like.  Then again I'm not sure how the auction works!
I drive for Big Al's picking up their fish for both stores here in Ottawa. The fish/coral/rock come into Dorval. They are shipped that day from any number of countries. Let's consider this. They are bagged that morning at what time 2 hours before the flight maybe 4. They need to clear the airport baggage handling. So they are bagged many hours before being tagged for a flight. But first they were shipped from the catchers or another vendor. They are also caught. So after all that they end up sitting in some warehouse ready to go. With airport security issues I bet it's close to 6 hours min. before actually ending up on a plane.

OK our marine animals are in flight now after being handled several times by catchers, one or more vendors, bagged and boxed, then airport baggage handlers and now there is plane turbulence. So they land at another airport handled again at a US airport say 6 hours later. If you are doing the math I am suggesting a min. of 12 hours already bagged.

Now from the US airport they are scheduled for Montreal Oh-Oh they miss the flight (it happens). Now they sit for at least another 4 hours then handled again. They finally land in Montreal are handled by baggage sent to the carriers loading dock. They sit and wait again until paper work clears customs. Finally I pull up to the dock and handle again put into the truck. Drive 2 hours then handled again. Finally they are acclimated into tanks for purchase.

OK so if all goes fairly well we are nearing 24 hours in bags. What happens if they miss a flight and the next day they are picked up? Could be 36 hours or more! So they are handled how many times? They are packed into next to no water to save on shipping costs. When I say next to no I mean enough for them to stay wet basically not like when we take them home.

OK now let's say we want to bring a fish or coral to the auction bagged properly with lots of water on the priority table will be nothing to what they can with stand - believe me I've seen it. Corals will survive just as well. Why would one of my sensitive shrimp or fish not make it if bagged properly... it wouldn't. So if the animal is healthy to start with it will survive if protected from the elements and proper care is taken.

So I agree with Charlie bring your marine animals and equipment. You are likely going to get a better price with a larger audience then posting in the classifieds. If registered well in advance this will advertise the item for sale. Also if mentioned in this thread others will consider bringing their stuff and look to buy. So some variety becomes available. If I had marine tanks believe me I'd have my stuff there and if no one else did I would do quite well I am thinking$$$  8)

Don't be shy come on out and bring your frags, fish, LR, lights, whatever...
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but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."