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creepy crawlers

Started by 10gnano, August 08, 2009, 10:36:10 PM

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Hey guys and gals?? I was wondering if there was a list somewhere on the web about all the different creepy crawlers that you could find in  marine tank. I found something in my tank but it hides in the shadows, I am not sure if it is osmething good or not, I cant seem to keep a supply of shrimp /hermit crabs in my tank.


do you hear clicking... if you do could be a mantis... but can be many things I had/have a large non reef safe crab that has killed like over 500$ worth of fish
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


do you still have that crab pat?


Pistol shrimp could also be a predator, it snaps too. I have lost several chromis to mine.


mantis = click
pistol = snap
or ya just a type of non reef crab

can you get a picture, id like to see this hitchhiker


I have only seen a small piece of this thingy, it seemed to look like a flat thing with some stripes on it, it was brown and farely thin. it was hanging around in the shadows of a rock, i never did get a geat look at it, it was about 3-5 mm wide and about 5-8 mm in lenght from what part of it i saw


I also have noticed about 5 or so little cocoons growing in my tank, they are small and off white in colour, is this some form of egg?? oine has been there for months and I have only noticed it getting bigger but slowly, or is this some sort of algea


Cot-Dayyum, i need pictures.


here it is

[attachment deleted by admin]


Scale is hard to see, looks like a huge flat-worm...   Which are not necessarily bad, but many are not good...

A wrasse in the tank (most wrasses) would think of a flatworm as food..  ;)


i tdoesnt move, i have a few on the plastic backing of my tank and one on my cocoa worm



thanks vince
Thats what it was. I was suprised to google it and com up with results on the first shot.
Good thing is is that it is a sign of good water quality. bad thing is is I dont know how to get rid of em


they are harmless filter feeders.


okay now i have seen a worm in my tank ( i hope its a worm and not a snake) its about the thickness of a regular pencil lead. Its dark brown or black with white rings around it, I have seen it come out about 2 inches in lenght but thats all i have seen. please help identify


look up bristel worm. //many species//  most are beneficial.

Is the white rings fuzzy/furry? If the worm has long hair id remove it. 

2'' is harmless 6'' + id remove it. Some bristle worms are able to catch fish.

Other possibilites: bristel worm, fire worm, bobbit worm..


it didnt resemble any of those, there is no hairs or bumps on it from what i can tell


its flippin fast to, as soon as it sees the light its gone, it looks like it might have spots not rings, and when it moves the spots seem to not move, almost as thou it a roling tube, its freaking weird, when i get my camera back i will try and take a pi of it


is it a Ophiuroid. a baby brittle with one of its arms extended?

or look up: Sipunculid. aka peanut worm

i need a pic.