Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Kribs and Moss

Started by GrahamWebb, March 12, 2009, 09:59:18 AM

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Good Day...
A bit cold, think I'll stay in and play with the fish.  I picked up 5 Pelvicachromis Pulcher at the auction and am trying to establish their desired environment.  I'll admit their a bit cramped in my 20 gal, but I'm going to remedy that soon enough (split them up).  They seem to like the triangle moss on the malasian drift wood I put in for them, I just wanted to make sure they arent going to get sick on it.  I'm not very good with plants yet, if anyone has any suggestions to which plants my new buddies might like, it would be much apreciated.


If they're picking at the moss, it's less to eat it than to feed on what's living in it. Even large kribs seem to have an eye for micro-organisms.
They like plants that break up territories - clumps of anything. In the wild, they breed around standing objects (plants, wood) in flowing open sandy bottomed rivers. While they aren't 'geographically correct; amazon swords or crypts are ideal - rooted plants on the bottom - the world of the krib.