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Bad Petsmart in Barhaven, bad bad...

Started by beowulf, March 01, 2008, 07:28:08 PM

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I have been getting pms asking where the 2 Pacu fish ended up. 
They have been returned to PetSmart Barhevan. ;)
My uncle did not ask for a refund, just that they go to a good home with a lot of space. 
He did let the manager know how disappointed he was in the gentleman selling him not only as he intended but recommending 2 Pacus for a 30 gallon aquarium...  "They will be less lonely"...
So, if anyone is looking for Pacus (they get huge), Pet Smart Barhevan should have 2 for sale - or for free...


Since all of us are fish hobbyist and love our hobby, I want to share with you guys.

I have petsmart coupons, Buy $20 and get $10 off, that's a steal. If you are interested then PM me your email. I will email you the coupon in PDF format. Just print it out and take it to petsmart......


Good for you returning them.  Chances are they are going to a similar tank which sucks big time.


Hi, i called the petsmart to see how much they would sell for the whole group since i have the room at my store and buyers for them but alas they said they were all sold.





Good of you to follow up, but this was ancient history and I'm sure the problem was dealt with back in August.  The manager there has a vested interested in OVAS.  Personally I think the fish in that store are excellent quality and whenever I have gone there the staff have been super helpful.

This thread should be locked. 


Sorry for that maybe i should check date of threads lol.   New rule...more coffee in morning before checking out forums....



Very cool worldfish!  That would have been nice of you.


one of the other petsmarts had them a couple weeks ago...can't remember which one it was though! All I remember was shaking my head at their red belly pacus
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


There is a local fish store selling Adonis Plecos which are an aggressive species and get to be 3 feet long. They are beautiful as fry but get uglier and meaner as they age....the perfect fish for an aquarium NOT


WOWSER!  Someone on the goldfish forum has a common pleco that is now over 2 feet long and is cramped in his 90G.  A 3' pleco is crazy.  Off to look it up : )