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My three goldfish fry - three month old survivor update

Started by KLKelly, January 19, 2009, 11:25:00 AM

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Quote from: KLKelly on January 22, 2009, 04:45:06 PM
Dumb question regarding the worms, but if I put microworms into the ten gallon, what happens if the fish don't find them?  The thought kind of freaks me out.  Will the corner filter be full of them?  Or should I put them in a tupperware to feed this to them?
Not dumb at all. No the uneaten ones will just die. They say they live for 24 hours but I don't think so. I feed CPD fry which are very very tiny and they find them. The white worms get up to 1" long maybe a bit more not easy for fry to eat.

I am going to Mtrl. tomorrow you'd have to come in the morning before by 12 at the lastest. I leave at 12:45 to pick-up Roxanne.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Its been a while since I updated this thread.  I think the plants I got at Petsmart to give them cover and a good place for insufuria to grow on for the stunted fry but I think they brought in a nasty bug.  Shortly after the fry all developed slime from their gills and clamping and rapid breathing.  It was touch and go but the biggest fry made it through treatment.  The other two failed to thrive - their mouths didn't open so I didn't expect them to make it even though they also recovered.

Lolly is now over three months old and in the 30 gallon with two other small goldfish.  She is still smaller than I'd like - probably due to recovering from a bug as a young fry.  Her mouth also has a defect.  It doesn't stop her from eating hair algae, mazurigelfood, mysis shrimp or blood worms haha.  Since that ammonia blip from the medication I haven't scrubbed the tank walls which makes for an ugly tank but hair algae seems like a hit. They spend hours at the back wall eating away.

Here is a quick video. She's gotten fatter and bigger.  The mouth defect is obvious.  She wouldn't make it in the wild but I'm into goldfish rescues not show-quality so she'll do just fine with the other gimpy fish.


 :o Was that the Petsmart in Barrhaven? I think that is why my goldfish got sick too.


That's good that you still have one fry after the bug.

It sounds neurotic, but even when I buy plants I give them a quick rinse and I keep them away from my fish for a few days.  A plant quarantine, I guess!


I did a blast of potassium permagenate but it turned clear after two hours.  I should have dosed at a higher level for a longer time but I was worried it would kill the plants.  My well water is crazy high in organics which uses up the P.P quicker.  I really messed up :(

I think I'm done with plants forever.


I'm also going to be extending my qt to 60 days if I ever get another fish.  I'm using RO water that I'm reconstituting now so I'm limited in my water.


You can do a plant dip with 20:1 water to bleach. Dip for 30 seconds to a minute. Once done of course rinse the plant extermely well. I've done this some plants had leaves die others unaffected but they all lived. I actually use this method to prevent pond snails in my display tanks. It does kill diseases too doubtful all of them but neither does potassium permagenate.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Hi, just reading your post and I'm curious...where did you buy your Mazuri gel from?  I've made my own gel, but would rather find the Mazuri.




GoldieGirl and I are going to split on a batch - want to join and save shipping?


If it's not too late, I would love to get in on the order as well!

Let me know!