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Peacock Goby-Tateurndina ocellicauda

Started by henry, March 30, 2009, 11:51:25 PM

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Frankiewanky and I picked up these at Big Al's East this past Saturday. I just wanted to share the beauty of these fish. The pictures really don't do them justice.

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wow, beautiful. I want some. How much were they?


The ones at BA's Innes are some of the nicest I've seen, great find!   Brian, I think they were about $20 each.


Yes, they were a little pricey but, I needed to have a pair. (Well wife didn't think so)  I want to try to raise a batch of fry, and it looks like the pair are going to cooperate.

Anyway,.. they are beautiful fish.


Well they spawned late last night or today sometime. The Male is in the cave with the eggs and the female is looking a whole lot thinner and wandering around the tank. Can't really tell how many eggs exactly.......maybe 30-40 or so.

I have read 5-6 days and 7-9 day incubation. I'm at 79 deg., so I'm thinking 5-6 days?  Could someone who has raised these before give me a better idea when to move the tube and eggs to a rearing tank? I'm thinking of leaving dad behind and moving the tube and eggs to a rearing tank around day 4 or so, providing of course he doesn't eat them first.

Any thoughts? Not sure on the timing.

Thanks Richard


Wow - they sure are cooperating - congratulations!!
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


They're beautiful fish!  I have 3 as well, but I'm not trying to breed them.  I'm pretty sure I have 3 females anyways.  I got mine from the last Belowwater group order and I swear I only paid $10 or $12 each.

Be very careful moving the eggs.  The eggs can never leave water and the water in the other tank has to be very stable and identical to the water in the parents' tank.  Sometimes it's better to leave the eggs with the parents because they clean away any unfertilized eggs, which prevents the  good ones from getting moldy.

Good Luck!  I look forward to reading about fry!!


thanks laura
When these guys are in brood colours they are amazing. I just love them. I have not sat in front of a tank so long since I got my first rams. LOL  I'm sure glad Frank got me out to look at them.  His pair are dancing around too.


I think you gotta get yourself a male just to see these guys in brood colours. I have read they are easy to spawn and a little harder to raise fry because they stay small longer. I'm hoping I can time the transfer right so the male can tend the eggs for the first 4 days  and do a transfer just before the release/hatch. I'm not really sure of the incubation period.

As far as the rearing tank goes I only have one tank that will work(easily) and it's on a sump system with 2 other tanks. I will have to evict a batch of frogs (that are ready anyway).I will have to take my chances on changing the fry water.


Congrats Henry nice work... I saw them today little beauties only 2 left. How about using a breeder net in the same tank?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Hi Henry,

If I were you I'd be tempted to remove all fish but the male from the current tank and let him guard the eggs till they start to hatch then remove him.  I don't think they will eat the eggs but he will certainly eat the fry.  I had a small group (before I lost them all to callamanus worms :() and they spawned repeatedly but the eggs always always fungused as soon as I removed the male and I tried moving him right away and up to four days after.  Fungused eggs every time.  So yes he may eat a couple of fry before you notice they've hatched but if you are watching carefully you'll likely get him out in time to save most.


Hey Dan Using the net is a good. I think though next time around I will get them to spawn in tubes that will fit on to the bottom of my egg tumbler. It will be perfect to feed and move any free swimming fry later. Next time.

Hey Irene
Yes I read you had lost fish to callamanus worms. I was sorry to hear that. I still have those Sewellia lineolata I got from you. They are a beautiful fish. They sure like their white worms. LOL

You convinced me I will leave dad with the eggs. Would you remember what the incubation period is for these guys?

thanks Richard


So, how are the eggs doing?  I can't remember what the incubation period was, like 6 days of something maybe?



Well..........he is still with them. Less than 1/2 of what there was. I have not seen him out of the cave yet. Today is day 6. Looks like the eggs/fry are hanging / attached by a string from the tube inside diameter.


Well I moved the male out tonight. During the process I saw one fry swimming.  :)The rest are eyeballed larva hanging from the tube/cave. Not that many left, maybe 10-12? Maybe next time.


10-12 fry is pretty good IMO, congrats!  ;D  Any tank raised peacock goby's are pretty rare.  How many adults do you have?


I got a pair of adults. The fry are very very small and the one that I saw looked like it was still dragging it's egg tether. I would not call it free swimming.

I have some green water and some paramecium so I will keep my fingers crossed.

Wednesday AM:
Yes, there are free swimming fry this morning. They look strong.


LMK know if you need some Walter Microworms can give you a starter culture...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thanks Dan  :)
I will take you up on that. That would be great. Thank You
I have micro but I have read the watler stay in suspension longer, and the fry are schooling mid tank.

Can I trade you some other culture?
Thanks again


thanks but I got lots of other stuff... the Walter are a little smaller and swim higher in the water suppose to be up to 24 hrs. alive... I don't know I think they all get eaten 1st... PM me for directions...

OH congrats great job! maybe give me a chance to buy some in the future?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."