Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Genesis - A New Beginning

Started by smalltownfan, March 20, 2009, 02:28:16 PM

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Quote from: Anja on March 31, 2009, 04:53:19 PM
Where did you find yours? I'll be looking for some soon.

I was just commenting on Dan's. He ordered them through Fishtails
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


Quote from: smalltownfan on March 31, 2009, 05:15:14 PM
I was just commenting on Dan's. He ordered them through Fishtails

Oki, misunderstanding in names. My bad, sorry.  :)
250G (Pond) - Comets, Rosy Reds; 20G Retirement - Congo Tetras, BN, Banjo Cats, Pristellas, Buenos Aires Tetras, Zebra Danios; 25G Pygmy Corys, BN, Green Neons, Assassin Snails, 15G Blue Daisy Ricefish, BN, Betta; 6.6G (Edge) - Diamond Head Tetras, 3G Bloody Mary shrimp, 2G Caridina Cantonensis (tangerine tiger)


I'll edit and add some pictures in the morning.

Added the second bottle of yeast mixture to the DIY CO2 setup this morning, following the info from Dans post;sa=view;id=1073 about a 2 bottle setup. Since this tank is in the basement the first bottle of mix wasn't doing so well because of the cooler temp. So I put the yeast bottles in a bucket with a heat strap from my wine kit. I got home from work tonight and checked the tank. The DIY reactor tube was a mass of bubbles and the CO2 indicator solution at the other end of the tank was bright yellow. Tried to do a 15 second bubble count and it was over 50, tried a few times, couldn't count fast enough, so that works out to 3+ bubbles per second. Turned off the heat belt and will check in the morning.
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


wow cool trick... you can also use more yeast to produce more CO2 at a higher rate.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


The generator and reactor.

The filters not running full time, just enough to keep the bacteria alive, it's being moved to the goldie tank when I get the canister.

[attachment deleted by admin]
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


How about a full tank shot, it would appear there is some plant growth going on since the early shots.How is the bottle warmer working out?


Plant growth is great, pic in the morning.
Hoping to to be able to get the 55g from 2075turner, more depth and height :)
The bottle warmer is good. I found that if the towel only covers half of the top, the bubble count is 2/sec.
With no warmer the temp is 68. with the top covered it's 94. With the top partially covered it's 82. I'm going to get a cheapo heater and try for 76.
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


BTW - the CO2 indicator is back in the green, now that the CO2 has slowed down. Bought the Marineland HOT system on Saturday, seems good for the 32g but if I get the 55g will it be OK with a powerhead and sponge.

Question to self; Should I get the eheim classic 2217, or perhaps the 2219?
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


When I did DIY CO2 I used those 1 gal juice bottles, one per 15/20gal tank. I squeezed them behind the tank, so that the touch the glass and the heat of the aquarium (25°C) could keep the mixture warm. Worked like a charm, somewhat constant bubbles rate for about two weeks.

Always get the biggest filter you can justify - there is no such thing as overfiltration.

Ohh yeah: I would like to see that full-tank-shot too. :)
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


...question to Hank; what happen to the tank shot?  ::)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on April 07, 2009, 02:35:27 PM
...question to Hank; what happen to the tank shot?  ::)

The 32g from irene has been broken down
Plants are in a temporary home - the 18g ex pirahna tank
Fluorite is in a bucket
Tank has been moved upstairs and I'm in the midst of moving the goldies
The 20g goldie tank will be cleaned and put up for sale, with the 18G later
Picking up the 55 from 2075turner on Thursday
Setting up that tank over the weekend
Will post pics when done
Will post FS items when tanks have been emptied and cleaned

TD List; (for now)
another bag of fluorite
some gravel for the goldies


FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


Quote from: smalltownfan on April 07, 2009, 04:49:43 PM
The 32g from irene has been broken down
Plants are in a temporary home - the 18g ex pirahna tank
Fluorite is in a bucket
Tank has been moved upstairs and I'm in the midst of moving the goldies
The 20g goldie tank will be cleaned and put up for sale, with the 18G later
Picking up the 55 from 2075turner on Thursday
Setting up that tank over the weekend
Will post pics when done
Will post FS items when tanks have been emptied and cleaned

TD List; (for now)
another bag of fluorite
some gravel for the goldies


Hank , you have caught that green virus lock stock & barrel  ;D, i think you are definitely on the illegal side now  :D


Hank can you spell- M-T-S ... LMAO and you say my wife must be understanding...  ::)

The 20g is it a long or tall?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: smalltownfan on April 07, 2009, 04:49:43 PM
TD List; (for now)
another bag of fluorite
some gravel for the goldies
Because goldies are pigs and like to root around in gravel, they are prone to getting it stuck in their mouths.  I had some problems with this and switched to silica/pool filter sand.  It's cheap and they won't choke on it. :)
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: charlie on April 07, 2009, 04:58:30 PM
Hank , you have caught that green virus lock stock & barrel  ;D, i think you are definitely on the illegal side now  :D

See my signature, that says it all. It does not seem like work and time flies!
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


Quote from: dan2x38 on April 07, 2009, 06:37:54 PM
Hank can you spell- M-T-S ... LMAO and you say my wife must be understanding...  ::)
The 20g is it a long or tall?

It's spelled (if I get another tank I can try something else) that's right isnt it? Understanding?,,, your wife is a saint! Mine wouldn't let me soak a piece of wood in the sink for two days!
The 20g (that what it said on the box) is 24x12x14 (18g by the capacity calculator).  :-Actually there are two, the other (same size) is a frameless. Both come with accesories and one with a stand.
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


I bought a 55g for the added depth, I passed the 32g on to the Goldies.

The black background in the 32g... just pops! Looks great. (believe it or not, that fatso in the bottom right is (was) a chocolate oranda!)

The 55g; 2 bags of Fluorite Dark, 1 bag Fluorite Black Sand, 1/2 bucket of Fluorite Red (thanks guys at Fishtails)
Day 1 set up, Day 3 add plants (C02=1 BPM) will start dosing with Excel Fluorish on day 7, recording parameters for later reference.
Plan to rearrange plants on Day 14 and slowly introduce livestock. Eventually a school of Harlequins & several Ottos and trio of German Rams.

[attachment deleted by admin]
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


Looking sweet Hank, I would suggest you hold off for a while before adding Otto cats.
I noticed your are using a hagen Glo T5 fixture on the goldie tank ?, if so you might get more benefit from it on the planted tank & using one of the T5 No Coralife on the Goldie tank.


Quote from: charlie on April 14, 2009, 08:56:14 AM
Looking sweet Hank, I would suggest you hold off for a while before adding Otto cats.
I noticed your are using a hagen Glo T5 fixture on the goldie tank ?, if so you might get more benefit from it on the planted tank & using one of the T5 No Coralife on the Goldie tank.

With company all weekend the wife thought the Hagen would look nicer. I'll switch lights this afternoon.
FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish