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This cant be possible... is it?

Started by salvini55, June 16, 2009, 04:03:00 PM

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This is impossible! well maybe possible for a few mins. but that is just not right


Maybe they just used brackish water which either could live in for a short while?  ???

Adam Chappell


My question is...what is magic water??
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


That is just plain old messed up. There is no way a goldfish and a clown can coexist in the same water. It must truly be "magic"... as in smoke and mirrors.
55g Mbuna Tank 11 Saulosi, 4 Albino Socolofi
29g Biocube Reef



ahh perfect, i was too lazy to reaserch it. So it seems its just brackish water with electrolights... wierd, i guess thats why the clowns dont look optimal.


I'M sure at some point of time man will screw this up too just does not feel right :)
200 g ,1 yellow tang,, 1 royal gramma,1 tomato clown,1 percula clown, ,,1 three stripe damsel,2 green cromis,2 scissor cromis, 5 cleaner shrimp,,1 coral bandit shrimp...coral.....


The amazing part, is that the sea horses are alive. As I understand it, they are difficult to keep even in a dedicated 'sea horse' tank.

I wonder if they keep these fish in this tank permanently, or swap them out from time to time. I agree the clowns all seem fairly docile and are keeping to the bottom of the tank. They must have found the overlapping threshold of each fish's ability to tolerate saltwater/freshwater. Still though, you would think that both the FW and SW fish would be experiencing osmotic stress.

Borderline cruelty and show-boating?


Quote from: QueensU on June 20, 2009, 12:09:47 PM
The amazing part, is that the sea horses are alive. As I understand it, they are difficult to keep even in a dedicated 'sea horse' tank.

I wonder if they keep these fish in this tank permanently, or swap them out from time to time. I agree the clowns all seem fairly docile and are keeping to the bottom of the tank. They must have found the overlapping threshold of each fish's ability to tolerate saltwater/freshwater. Still though, you would think that both the FW and SW fish would be experiencing osmotic stress.

Borderline cruelty and show-boating?

I agree, we already atler there state of being with what we are doing now. I personally dont like the idea of mixing the two on a knifes edge of water quality. Give them a better chance, I say.


I;m sure it is horrible for the fish... and until they can talk and tell us they like it I wouldn't do it...

Second, I wonder if the clowns are at the bottom because SW is more dense than FW... higher salinity down there maybe?

Third... just cause you can do something, doesn't mean you should...


Good point Hookup.. it probably would have a high SG at the bottom.

I would rather see some amazing acrylic tank designed with different chambers for fresh and saltwater or something. That would be a lot less cruel and experimental.


I don't even see why one would want to keep fresh and marine species in the same tank... just weird!