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Blood Shrimp - to my surprise

Started by Snider82, September 19, 2009, 09:35:42 PM

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so, i was watching my shrimp eating today,  then i look inside a little cave.. and to my surprise i saw another one....... "WTF i only bought one!"     i looked closer and it was a "shell" of him.   so i read that they "shed" so they can grow larger....

so what do i do with it? it would be difficult to get at it and remove it....


LOL...   So today, my wife and I are looking at our emerald crab, he's just sitting there, looking all white and honestly, not really moving... we're feeling bad, he rolls on his back behind a mushroom and we're like... wut killed him... a few hrs later we feed the tank and the real emerald crab comes out....   we were looking at his shead...

I leave mine in, from my shrimp... we completely forgot that crabs would do it too... ;)

Small world



I think everyone goes through the "omg my shrimp / crab" is dead experience sometime soon after getting their first one...

With me it was my cleaner shrimp... dammit he got sucked onto the powerhead... he's dead! Then, he pops out on top of the highest rock in the tank, as proud as ever, swinging his front legs around like he's as happy as can be.

With three cleaners shrimps now I get molts fairly frequently... which means they are healthy and growing fairly quickly as far as I can tell. Good to supplement iodine to help with this, they need it when they make the new exoskeleton.

+1 for leaving it in... little bit of food / good stuff for the tank so why not.

Now this is a little more controversial.... but in many cases even if a fish or snail dies I don't really think it's necessay to take it out unless it's very large. If a small dead fish or snail spikes your ammonia or crashes your tank you've got a big problem imo!


LOL @ hookup.  glad its not just me!

nice to hear that Mikerobart,  i had  fish dissapear in the beginning of my tank experiences. he was fairly small, and just vanished.  so obviousle i left him in there.. never had any problems.


i woke up this morning trying to find my pair of bloodshrimp none of those 2 showed up. normaly when i feed my fish their the one who come out first, no sign or anywhwer behined my tank or eles. i guess its all dead or maybe my leopard wrasse got so hungry so bad eat all. i don't see any sign or try my amonia is 0 nothings wrong. i had my blood shrimp since i started my 40g feel bad though after 8 months :-\

White Lightning

Much like us all, I have had the same experince when I first got my bloodshrimp. I saw his shell stuck to the powerhead and said "dammit" then all of a sudden the shrimp appeared.

I had a simular experience with my coral banded shrimp. Thirty seconds after I introduced him into the tank, my sea serpend tore off one of his larger claws. 24hours later the claw grew back. I only hope that if I have a limb that needs to be amputated it will grow back on its own.


QuoteI only hope that if I have a limb that needs to be amputated it will grow back on its own.
LOL  wouldnt that be awsome...  my would the world be diffrent