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white film on rock

Started by 10gnano, September 02, 2009, 10:17:56 PM

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Hey I have a small rock with about 5 mushrooms on it. the rock is about the size of a small baseball. i have noticed that it has a white film on it. the rock only had 2 mushrooms on it 4 months ago now it has 5 and one is huge (about 2 -3 inches across when it is in full bloom. I have taken some of this fil off before and now it seems to have grown back and twice as much as before. is this something to do with the growth of the mushroom?? the mushrooms are purple in colour


is it excreting from the shrooms?


are you sure that you have enough flow in there?


tons of flow, i think it is coming from the shrooms but i am not sure



no biggie then. Its just mucus. Could be from a WC. food it did not like. A flux in paramas. Did u recently touch/handle them?


the film is always on the rock and iteven grows over top of the holes and covers them. I have not touched the mushrooms myself but my tongs have. I have does some aquascaping in the recent past but the film was there before.


btw how long has it been running this tank? its probably just in its cycle.


this tank has been running for about a year and a half. the rock was put in about 4-5 months ago. the film does not grow on any of the other rocks just this one and it has produced mmore mushrooms even with the film on this rock.


some rocks have phospate trapped in them which leaches out over time... it's possible...


that might be why i cant get coraline algea to grow


Could be....  I cannot stop it from growing... but, I keep my Ca and Mg levels up... way up... 440 and 1400+ respectively...

Corlline algae requires 4x the amount of Mg when compaired to most corals....  If you want it to grow, you'l lneed to keep those two params up nice and  high...

Honestly, because it's just one rock, no matter where it is, i'd remove it from your system...   It could be the best thing since sliced bread, it could be nothing at all, or it could be the iceberg that sunk the titanic....   I do know that other than being a PITA, removing it should not lead to any problems...


I have a 10 gallon tank that i was thinking of starting up as a quarantine tank. could i just put some substrate and a power head in a tank to make it a quarantine tank??  I dont want to loose this rock as the mushrooms are beautiful.


^QT tanks dont have sand. always glass bottom. basically empty. maybe a pvc pipe for fish hiding. no live rock.

qt tank...
power head, hob filter, heater, some hiding spots, light.