Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

BAP/AHAP Programs

Started by markw, October 31, 2009, 02:18:36 PM

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We are trying to "resurrect" the sadly very underused program within our club called the Breeder's Award Program and Aquatic Horticulturalist Award Program; BAP/AHAP.
The new outline and rules governing the BAP program are being published and will appear on the web page very soon, along with a new local breeder's list.
We have come up with a committee within the Exec to oversee the BAP program but are hoping to recruit someone from within the membership who can help out with the AHAP portion. Someone who has considerable experience propagating aquatic plants from cuttings and seeds. Plant identification and a good knowledge of origins would be helpful also.
We hope to have a successful program launched for both divisions that will encourage the breeding and raising of both fish and plants within the club. Monthly presentations of awards and prizes for successful members will become part of our meetings.
If anyone is interested in helping out please PM me.
