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something's wrong

Started by Maxthecat, September 26, 2009, 09:03:14 PM

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Hey, about two days ago a frag of my green star polyps stopped opening, now, half of my metal green star polyps dint open today. I just did a couple of tests and i got a weeee bit of amonia, 0 nitrate, sal 1.026, temp 82-84 (a bit hot).

Humm possible cause, low around my frag, but why the other one then? I just added a anemone GBT, but I got a tek light 4 bulbs t5 on my tank.. I dont get it, need some help here


How old is your tank?
Has something died? 


1.026 is kinda high for salinity. Could be that. I dont think the temp being that high is a problem, my GSP did fine at almost 85 on some of the hot days in the summer.


the tank is a year old and no, nothing died


i dont know, i usualy hang my sal around 25 26 so its pretty average for my tank and they're used to that


Ammonia means cycle, check the anemone and fish.  How big is your tank?


30g, 2 oceralis, blue damsel, bangai cardinal



Partial water change with matching specific gravity/temp etc....
Run Carbon.
Your load is heavy, have you been feeding more?  Feeding Anemone?  Are you skimming or frequent water changes?


it's nothing, it's normal.

prob, because it's about to seed/lay babies. GSP can close up for weeks and nothing is wrong. one thing to look out for is.... is there algae spreading over the GSP mat?


my gsp will close up for a couple days each month, never been a problem.


no algea spreading, ive moved the frag to a better flow area

I do feed the anemone, doing it now actualy, but im curently shopping a skimmer.. looking at a bf-100


I do not see salinity at 1.026 being an issue... temperature swings maybe but gsp normally is pretty hardy. Other parameter swings could do it. Everything I have read seems to suggest 1.025 or 1.026 for salinity.


Ill see what i can do, ill do a water change today and beside, im moving my tank in about 5 days so...


The ammonia is of concern.  It only appears if something is rotting or somehow you introduced it, say thru uncured silicone.

As others have said, GSP will close up once in a while, so it's not a concern.

What about other paramaters?  pH, Ca, Mg, Alk?

I hope everything works out.


I was worried about 6 months ago when my GSP closed and stayed closed for three weeks. Never lost its nice purple colour, but never saw the green waving grass like structures the entire time. Talked to a few people about it and they said to give it time. Sure enough it came back out again and since has "hibernated" twice for long periods as well. Since the stuff is taking over small rocks that I have placed near it and is growing like crazy I take it this is just normal behaviour sometimes....