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All Rhizotrochus are illegally collected and imported

Started by Achilles, September 30, 2009, 03:20:50 PM

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I was on another of my fav sites and saw this

And found a little more info and other links related to this topics on this thread

I am not sure how this concerning Canada I would imagine that the same rules apply if not stricter rules.

I am passing this along for info only.


it's impossible to stop it though. you know how many 'hitchhiker species' come in on live rock, attached to other corals, etc.. no one at customs is going to spot all that.

it's like a buy a live rock that i saw at LFS (that seemed like a reg piece), and when i get home, a hermit pop's out, there is a small zoo head that i did not notice, a piece of sponge.

^you think at customs they are looking for that stuff?

maybe it's illegal to collect, but all i have to say is that it hitchhiked and there..we have rhizo's

next step is that since i got a free hitchhiker, i 'tank breaded' a few, and now thats why i have 30 of them..

simple :D


I agree with your statement about hitchhiker stuff, but this is clearly not stating that and I am sorry but the rhizo that are being sold at LSF and online are clearly not hitchhiker's. Second as mentioned in the second thread what we have to be responsible aquarist and try to avoid anything that would give our hobby a black eye and possible shut down the trade. Your are right about customs, their lack of knowledge or unthroughness is how these coral and other stuff getts in. But as stated, kill the demand the supply should follow.


Any CITES restricted species being illegally imported has the potential of creating a big problem.  Think abut it, these might be going through customs un-noticed for now but if they find out that illegal corals are sneaking their way through, they will mostlikely start checking more thoroughly and possibly create more paperwork and additional permits to ensure only legal specimens are making their way through.   If this were to happen, there would be greater delays, meaning the fish and coral are spending more time in a plastic bag (they are in there far too long as it is IMO) and the result may be more D.O.A's (dead on arrival).   The extra D.O.A's and extra paper work would result in a higher cost to the suppliers, retailers and to us...the hobbyists.  It's just not worth the risk in my opinion - wholesalers should not even accept them.