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update on my fallow tank

Started by bongo, October 11, 2009, 02:49:53 PM

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It's been a while since I had any fish in my new 90g DT

I had a bad encounted with ich a lost a fish to it... promised myself that I would always Qt my stuff from now on

Anyway as I said above there has been only inverts in my DT for quite a while now

I was doing a routine check up of the parameters and found lots of strange little red things swimming in my sump...

the red little things are... shrimps!

I bet these are baby skunk cleaner shrimps

I have 3 fire shrimps and 3 skunk cleaner shrimps but two of the last always hang out together


sweet! that would be wicked! I have two cleaners that hang out together all the time, but i havent seen any intent to spawn yet. Best of luck.


I have 4 skunks cleaners in my 90g one of my favorite and most entertaining critters and always a favorite among my girlfriends friends who are allowed to get cleaned by them so long as they thoroughly wash all those girly products and lotions off their hands first .

In my tank the two larger ones seem to spend a lot of time together, there is one very small one who is a loner, and a medium sized one who seems to try to hang with the two big ones but is sometimes just not wanted. Would love to see a breeding event.... is it likely in a busy tank that the spawn could be successful... I would bet everything would end up eaten pretty fast.


now that you mention it... I remember the two cleaner shrimps doing a little dance, swiming up, chest against chest

I tried to take pictures of the babies but they're small and darn fast

I wonder if I should put some kind of food for them in the sump?

anyways I guess leaving the tank fallow has some advantage... found some baby turbo snails too  :)