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Why is my live rock so dusty?

Started by pinoy, October 29, 2009, 12:08:28 PM

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Why are my live rocks are so dusty? They resemble those rocks that are found in haunted houses. These live rocks have coralline in them and are approx 2 years old in my reef tank. Ive often use turkey baster to blow these dust away but they seem to come back.

They dont look life algeas and I dont think its the sand that gets trapped.

It doesnt bother me too much but Im just curious. Ive seen other people's reef tank live rocks and they look nice and clean. Why are mine so dusty?


It could be worms or crabs or other creatures that live in the rocks. They dig and tunnel all day and night, creating dust. If you don't have enough flow directed towards these rocks the dust will just sit. Try readjusting your powerheads or adding one.

White Lightning

My guess is that it is detrius accumulating on your rocks. Boost up your flow and it should help with your problem.


I second the above... you probably need more flow

what's your setup?


Flow might be the problem for sure.  As for me, I've got tons of flow, but I still get a fair amount of detritus and "dust" on my rocks.  A good solution is to take a turkey baster or something similar, and blow the stuff off your rocks right before siphoning out some water for a water change.  If there's significant buildup I'd make it a decent water change, or perhaps only to a section of rocks at a time.  Works great for me! Apparently it's common practice for a lot of reefers, or at least that's my impression.


Thanks for the replies. Im pretty sure I have flows all over my tank since the red and green algeas, which once thrived on mt tank, are now gone.

beer, white, bongo, cheebs, thanks for the advices. Ive been using turkey blaster to blast these things but they keep coming, so I guess Ill continue to keep on doing (I actually spend more time on this hobby than taking care of my kids :(   )