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Toadstool leather looks more like a chia pet

Started by OttawaReefer, October 28, 2009, 09:23:56 AM

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I have a small toadstool leather that I picked up and it looks a lot like a chia pet!  The top of the toadstool is about 1.5 to 2 inches across and it's covered with extensions that are about .5 to 1 inch long with little white "fingers" at the end.

Just wondering if that's a sign for anything with this type of coral?  Since the day it was put into the tank it has been like that.  If it get's bothered by a hermit, or anything else, the extensions retract into the head, but then they come right back out. 

Most of the pictures I have seen of toadstool leather have some extensions but these ones seem crazy long.


no its healthy. And further more if u see the extentions and a small 'ball' on the end...if that ball opens up, it looks like a flower. This is rare though. If you get it fully opened, take a picture id love to see. Mine are half opened, but never fully opened yet.


not so much a flower as little white fingers. 

It just looks like a wiggly chia pet.  I'll try to get a picture this evening and post it. 



It's not a great shot.  Didn't use the macro lens or a tripod

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It's been my experience that in circumstances where light is a little less that adequate, a leather will extend its polyps more than usual to capture more light.



It looks nice and healthy to me. I also agree with Nelson.


So, you think that I should put it up higher in the tank?



It's a 90G standard with a tec light (6 T5 fixture)

There's an open brain right beside it that seems to be doing fine.  It opens up huge under the lights!



Yeah it looks great, if anything keep it where it is, those polyps look sweet :)



The tek light is amazing!  I do have one issue with it, though.  I'm worried that the neighbours will start a campaign to get rid of that "grow op" on the corner.

You need shades to look at your own tank   8)

[EDIT]  I found a good article on toadstool leather extensions   According to the article that if it's not getting enough light or food then it will not extend it's polyps. [/EDIT]