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mj1200 with sureflow

Started by krila, March 04, 2010, 07:32:52 PM

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any thoughts as to if a mj1200 with surefow on it would be over kill on a 40 gal breeder?

The tank is rock heavy(approx 55 lbs), fine sand bottom, no corals as of yet.

fish are 2 clowns, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 coral beauty and cleaner shrimp.

any insight would be great as to if this is good or total over kill



I use one in my 120 gal fish with LR, 5 footer and it works perfect for flow in my tank. But I would not put it in my 65 gal would be too much flow for the reef. In a 40 it might be too much flow. All you can do is try it out and see what happens.


there is never to much flow i hve over 15000 gph and still want to up it

White Lightning

I have the sure flow mod in my 65 gallon. It certainly kicks teh flow up a notch. I can guarantee you that if you have fine grain sand in your 40 gallon and you add the mod, you will have a constant sand storm in your tank. I had the sugar grain sand in my 33 and it was constantly being blown around and that was just with a regular MJ1200. I can only imagine the mess I would have had with the sure flow mod.