Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Breeding: Blue Rams

Started by Alex_M, March 13, 2004, 10:35:27 PM

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Hi there,

It was complete surprise for me and my wife that our pair of blue rams laid their eggs on driftwood this night.
We have a plenty of other fishes in the same tank: barbs, gouramis, plecos, catfishes.
We are not sure if we should leave eggs as they are or maybe it would be better to move eggs and our rams into a separate tank.

Your input would be very appreatiated




Don't take them away, at least for the first time.
Give them achance to defend their fry.
I cannot say for rams, but as I heard they will behave as kribs. And I have good experience with kribs. They become the owner of the 'lake'. Gourami is twice bigger, but afraid to get out from the plants, as well as all others: tiger barbs, cats, pleco. My pleco just too big for the kribs terror, but nevertheless it don't like to be beaten...

So, don't be afraid for rams, try once and if they will really need to be moved away , it is better to do it before the process, then after.



If the fry reach the free-swimming stage, one can siphon off the mass from the surface of the gravel and into a pail. Transfer them into a 5 gallon tank, and feed them microworms or brine shrimp nauphlii. You can always leave a few in the community tank to watch the parental behavior. They may survive.
