Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

*UPDATE*No electricity... HUGE fish loss!!! Looking for *cheap* replacements.

Started by barabe, August 05, 2010, 05:04:16 PM

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Almost 24 hrs without electricity... We have a generator and couldn't START it!!!!
Managed to borrowed one after 12 hrs but it was already too late...

LOSSES (up to now):

1 Med. Yellow Tang
1 Med. Blue Tang
1 Med. Spotted Fairy Wrasse
1 Lg Black Cap Jawfish (he was so much fun to watch!!!)
2 Lg Cleaner Shrimps
Tons of bristle stars


There but for the grace of....

Most of us are one power failure away from being in the same boat. Backup power is never a necessity until you need it.

Sorry for you, I hope it works out in the end.
110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


A power failure has always been my greatest worry. Three years ago I bought a 3K generator and a long extension cord that would provide power to my tanks and also power my freezer, in that order.  I run it twice a year and change the gas once a year.  It's always on hand, so I have no concerns about a prolonged power failure killing my tanks. It's as important to a system as a skimmer, IMO. 


I too fear the loss of power... I've thought long and hard about a house-sized generator..

I can help you out, no issues... how about:

Clown's and a Midas blenny

Free to help you out, just needs to be picked up...



That is FANTASTIC... the blenny is great but my two Ocellaris Clownfish and two blue Chromis survived and are looking good. Your clownfish would have to be a different type so he doesn't get harrassed by mine... I could pick up anytime Saturday!


Anything I can do to help... we'll work out details in PM...

I'm so sorry for your losses...

I have a pair of Picasso's that I was planing on selling... the pair of ocellaris that I have were what I was referring to... :) 

but i suggest coming later in the evening on Sunday after i've been drinking...  Jack Daniels often tells me to be generous to those in need...

again, really sorry to hear on of the loss... it's has to be frustrating when it's for something completely out of your control...


I really recommend getting one of those battery operated air pumps that comes on if the power goes out. I have one that has saved me lots of stress over the years, especially since I live in Kanata, the "king of power failures". They are cheap too, somewhere around $20. Many, many power outages, no losses! 


im selling all my stuff, let me know coral, live rock, pumps, lights


how much are these battery operated things. I got a scare this weekend.


I have several in use...they're excellent short term insurance.  Use good quality batteries and change them every 6 months.