Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Plans on Discus Meeting Still On...

Started by 2075turner, July 16, 2010, 07:47:40 PM

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Hey All,

It has been brought to my attention that the meeting that I was planning on having the last weekend in July (31st) is actually part of a long weekend and that some people won't be able to make it as they have plans out of I will be changing the meeting to August 21.  Still at my place and at the same time....starting at 12pm.  For those of you who pm'd me I will send out pms to let you know.  Sorry for the change, just bad planning on my part. :(

So hope that all can attend this date.  It will be the only weekend in August that I can host.  So if you can attend please post here or send me a pm.  Thanks

Evelyn :)


Hey guys & gals

Just a reminder that I am planning on having the Discus meeting at my place.  Just shoot me a pm or post here if you plan on attending.  I will send you my address and phone number.  It will help me out with how many burgers & hot dogs we will need :)

Once again, it is open to anyone that has or has interest in Discus  8)

I love talking about discus  :D  so we won't be sitting around in silence, lol ;D

I have a few tanks up and going with discus in it for those that want to check them out ;) ::)

Saturday August 21st starting at 12PM with a meet and greet and some burger and dogs off the BBQ ;)


a buggers, im in halfax on business that weekend, doh.


Sorry to hear that.  I am hoping to have another one sometime down the road.  There was also another person that has offered to host as well. I am hoping that this will become a regular thing where we can all take turns and see each others set ups :)

Anyone else planning on coming?????


We will drop by. Always fun to talk fish. :)
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Hi Everyone,

There was a request to post some times as to what is going on for Saturday.  So here is what I sent someone, I figured that would post this...

"Things are still on for Saturday 21st starting at 12 noon with the BBQ and greet & meet.  Discussion will start around 2PM with aquarium set up and care for discus...we will just go from there.  It will run as long as people want to stay and we can spark up the BBQ if people would like to stay for diner and there will be some fingerfoods to snack on...I don't have any set time for it to end, so I'm not sure how long it will be...most that I have attended in the states last until 10 or so.  I would just like everyone to get together to discuss our hobby of discus fish, learn from each other and have a good time...that is the intention :)"

My address 1 Brydon Court in number is 613-226-5405

Hope to see you there :)


something that I would like to add is that this would be an excellent opportunity for those that are just starting in the hobby or that are interested in getting into discus to attend.  Thus far I have some people that have had experience with discus way to learn...ask questions :)


I plan on going.  I hope my clients give me the afternoon off so I can stay.  MAYBE I'll convince my hubby to go too!


Thanks All to those that came....I had a great time :).  Some good discussions about discus went on and I enjoyed myself.  Hope that we can get together again in the near future and talk some more.  Once I get some time I will make a powerpoint presentation or something like that, and maybe my set up will be done by then ;)  Hope you all enjoyed it as well.

Here's a couple of shots of us chowing down, unfortunately I forgot to take photos in the fishroom....too much gabbing on my part, lol, and being absentminded doesn't help either ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]


We had a great time! Thanks for the BBQ and the tour through the fish room. Below a few shoots of the fish. Enjoy! :)

[attachment deleted by admin]
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Loved, loved, loved, meeting other Discus keepers.  Thank you very much Evelyn for all your efforts and your willingness to share expertise.  Knowledge unshared is knowledge wasted.  The dozen or so tips I picked up from the event have inspired me to work even more diligently toward getting my fish spawn successfully.

Thanks again!


Yep, I had a good time like I said....I like talking discus.  Like I mentioned a couple of posts up, for our next meeting I would like to come up with a powerpoint presentation.  Any suggestions at this time...other than the obvious....breeding, lol?  I may make up another post with a poll to do this, hummmm....

Thanks for posting the pics fishkopp they look very nice :)


Other topics to discuss:
cones and gutter guard.(materials, sizes etc)
breeding tank, grow out tanks/ timelines etc....heaters temps, sizes
Feeding, types of feed, frequency etc...
water parameters, volume of changes, frequency, temp, ph,
cohabitants. rams, angels, cardinals, cautions....
plants and substrate

These are thing that come to mind immediately....


Wow, I may need a weekend for everything, lol ;D


Oh wow.... I would have loved to be there instead of home, flushing peroxide through gravel and burying fish....  ??? Do it again!


Hi Evelyn:

Thanks again for opening up your "Discus operations" to us..
What I would describe is a hobby turned obcessed.

Too bad I couldn't stick around longer, but it certainly was
a "treat". Looking forward to your next open house.




Obsession/'s been going on for 12 years, lol.  First time I laid my eyes on my first discus.  I plan on attending the Aquafair in Malaysia this coming November, that's how far my addiction takes me.  I am hoping that my next step will be to raise out some of my fry to competition state and go on the road to some competitions.....

Anyways, thank you for coming over Sam.  It was my pleasure to open my home for the viewing.  I hope that others will want to host one down the road and we will get to see others set ups.  Mine has grown as of lately, so we (my hubby and I) will have to see where it will end, LOL.  Penitentiary maybe?LOL 

So, is there anything you want to cover in the next meeting???  When and where this meeting, I am not sure yet....