Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Montreal-based freshwater livestock supplier?

Started by jgolden, September 12, 2005, 09:02:25 AM

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Work is taking me to Montreal this week, and I thought I might try to pick up a bit of livestock while down there. So, as I'm not familiar with what suppliers are locate there, I was wondering if anyone here might recommend somewhere that other members have dealt with?

I'll be in the downtown core (within a couple blocks of the train station; business concludes my second day around 4:30, and I'll have 3 hours to kill till I return by train), so approximate distance from the station would also be nice to know, if known.

And who knows? I can try to take a couple orders, but can't really promise anything just yet.

thanks all.



I would suggest TFS but you are downtown and he's Decarie & hw 40.



Not sure yet. Probably livestock that'll go into the community tank. I know I can get a variety here (from local breeders, members, etc), but thought I'd look on the offchance there's some species that are less readily available around here.

Also thinking that from what I was told, a lot of the suppliers here generally get their livestock from only a few different breeders, and thought that if I tried to get a few species of fish I already have from an outside source, there is a slightly higher chance of bringing in fresher genetic material for any breeders. Does tihs second point make sense, or am I smoking something funny?*


*just an expression; not meant literally


Hey, David Wilcox left town Friday night.  :wink:
Belowwater has wilds, but minimum order is about 200.
I am having relatively good luck with the discus I got from Big Als in Pointe Claire and they have really nice plants.
