Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

**Important** Need some help

Started by cerickson, March 22, 2004, 11:16:58 PM

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Okay, there is a chance that I might be going away for over a month or so.

Is there anyone or any company in town that services tanks?

I have a 12g saltwater and another 10gallon freshwater, and I need water changes done while i'm gone.. I think i might be able to get someone to feed them, but i need someone to do water changes once or twice a week..

any help would be awsome


what part of town are you in - maybe someone from the club could help in exchange for reciprocal support when they have to go out of town?


yea thats a possibility

I will be living on lebreton st south of somerset west of bronson and north of the queensway..


I wonder whether members of the club might be interested to  establish & promote a "tank buddy" system whereby interested parties might locate others who consent to be contacted in the event of an aquarium-related emergency which arises when they are away.

It is a relatively easy task to find someone to toss in some fish food, etc. during the aquarist's absence but it is quite another matter to have someone who might be familiar with steps that should be taken in the event of an equipment or general power failure. Perhaps tank buddies could be established on the basis of their expertise in the particular filtration systems in use, special water requirements of species of fish (Eg. marine invertebrates) as well as neighbourhood where they reside (or work). Perhaps a tank buddy might even be remunerated if his services were actually required.

I lost a lot of fish during the power outage last summer when I was out of town. My caretakers at the time were not able to do much more than to net out the carcasses!
-thankful for a tankfull-


i think this is a great idea.

We could set up a trading system and people could trade hours for hours (or sell out their accumulated hours for a club-agreed fixed price per hour if they leave town)


I live near Bronson and the queensway and I could do water changes for you if you like.  I have never kept saltwater but If all you need me to do is mix the water and dump it in I can certainly do that.  PM me if you still need someone.


Well It turns out that I might be coming home for a couple of hours a week, so I might be fine with water changes, but if my landlord doesn't want to feed my fish, I may be interested in someone feeding my fish and checking up on them..

I also have a freshwater tank as well that would need changed as well.

I would be willing to pay too. :)  or trade hours too..

the buddy system does sound good,

For example, Eirikre lives near me, we could be tank buddies, helping out when one is away and so on.


the drawback of coarse would be that if something went wrong who would be liable?.. say a mistake was made and all the fish died, would the servicer or buddy be liable?..sure most people wouldn't take it to that point, but all you need is one person who ends up taking it to court