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Started by NanoSF, February 14, 2011, 08:20:12 AM

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I am a reef tank guy so I know very little about fresh water planted tanks. I have a 13 year old brother and law looking to start a planted tank. He is doing his research first, but has had a fresh water fish only tank for 5 years. His favorite growth/plant is different mosses covering rocks and substrate. What he and I don't understand is how you go about growing moss in your tank. It is not a rooted plant we assume. There doesn't seem to be any in stores in Ottawa. So if anyone could help point us in a direction as to how to grow/buy this stuff, and what care is required that would be appreciated.



It depends on the moss.  I have moss balls and java moss, both bought at la niche.  They do not require anything special.  The java moss can either be attached with cotton thread or jammed in the crease of a rock or driftwood and it will take hold by itself.  It grows fast and is perfect for small invertebrates or babies to hid in
60g guppies, female bettas, bushynose plecos, cories, apistos
2 x 5.5g male bettas
10g bredding tank for bettas,
2.5g male betta
20g, divided with babies (bettas, plecos and cories)


Yes we have seen these a la Niche. The balls stay in balls and the Java Moss is very long grass like moss. I think what my brother in law is looking for is something short and compact like the moss balls but that spreads all over rocks and substrate. Any ideas?


Mosses are generally very hardy plants, with low requirements.  You can attach it to rocks or driftwood, let it time to settle in and start growing, then give them a trim every second week or so.  I strongly suggest using a Python (vacuum) when suck in the debris as much as you can.  It has a nasty habit of floating around and attaching itself to other plants, substrate and ornaments.

We have a sticky for identifying the most common types of mosses.

There is also this tread that can serve as inspiration.

What I love about mosses is that, much like cedar hedges, they can be trimmed into whatever shape you desire, be it carpet, walls, natural looking forests, even trees.

(this last link has some good info on how to start, evolve and maintain your moss)

Have fun  :D

PS: this thread might have found a better home in the Plant section


Wow thanks so much magnosis. Those were some great and yes inspirational links. Thanks for taking the time to put that all together. I will read them in more depth once my brother in law comes over. We have seen some of those trees made of moss pictures before and they were part of the reason he wanted to attempt this. Thanks again for your help. Sorry about the location of the post. I should have looked around the board a bit more first.


Some moss like java is relatively undemanding, others can be quite a challenge. Most mosses like it on the cooler side, below 25deg celsius and less. Aside from that, anything that applies for aquatic plants will apply to moss. Low to medium light works best in most occasions. Keep in mind that moss is slow growing, so fertilization is seldom necessary.

I would not advise to mix moss with moss balls. These balls are actually algae (cladophora); eventually some parts of the algae break apart, get caught in the moss, grow in there and give it quite an unpleasant look. And removing cladophora is very difficult ...
be aware of the green side


Thanks for the advice fischkopp. Other Java Moss can you get any of these other mosses listed in the sticky in Ottawa?


Post a note in the LF section and/or come to the Giant Auction in
March and I'm sure there will be some mosses made available, at least there
was last year. :)
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Thanks sas I am excited about the auction for my SW stuff but I will take a look at the moss selctions too. Good idea.


Besides Java moss, I'm sure someone will have Fissidens (Phoenix moss) for sale as well. I spent $2 on my bundle at the last auction.


Ya that is more the kind of moss we would be looking for thanks.