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Betta's have spawned

Started by sarahbella, September 28, 2005, 06:29:36 PM

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Our first attempt at breeding bettas has been encouraging so far.  

We put the male and female together last week sometime so they could get to know each other. We raised the temps and lowered the water on monday. We added lots of water lettuce and some other plant that we got at the auction monday night.  The male started on his bubblenest last night under the lettuce  then today they spawned.  It was very cool to watch.  Im keeping a blog if anyone wants to check it out..

Since the dad is cambodian and the mom is multicoloured all the babies should be multicoloured.  

I cant wait to see the colourful offspring! (if the eggs hatch that is)



I never had the time or energy to attempt breeding bettas. Good for you, and good luck!


Ive been doing more research into our female and she is a lavender or purple colour *apparently new and rare, thats what i read anyway*  

if this is correct this makes her a cambodian genotype.

Can someone familiar with genetics tell me if ALL the offspring will be cambodian since the dad is also of the cambodian persuation????   this is exciting...


It depends entirely on their actual genetics, as well as the genetics of their traits. I.e. are they pure? Are the traits dominant, recessive, co dominant, etc?


Hi sarahbella:

Hope you succeed in breeding your Bettas, i tried it myself a couple of times, and it was fun and quite a lot of work at the same time

In that i mean of course i ended up having a towering wall with shelving that was stacked with 80 jars, housing all these Bettas till i finally grew them out and gave them away.

I commend you for trying... and salute you... if you succeed sarahbella :)



TR thank you :)

 Its a joint effort actually.  My children are going to take care of all the babies.  They each donated half of the mating pair.  And they are both eating as many pickles as they can so they can empty out the jars lol.  

Its very exciting for me.  I really do love the fish and this is very interesting to me. But i also love to see my children working together towards a common goal (that doesnt happen often lol)

I look forward to the shelves filled with jars, what i dont look forward to is trying to remember all of the names my son gives them lol


I understand what you mean sarahbella! and your right its even better if the all work together.

But once they start to enjoy the fish  hobby and understand it more, This also becomes a life time memory for them to remember.

Besides what could be more fun then going crazy and eating all the pickles you want lol :lol:

                              Take Care


Quote from: "TR"I understand what you mean sarahbella! and your right its even better if the all work together.

But once they start to enjoy the fish  hobby and understand it more, This also becomes a life time memory for them to remember.

Besides what could be more fun then going crazy and eating all the pickles you want lol :lol:

                              Take Care
Mmmm pickles... I need one. We also just went out and bought 3 new fish. 2 females and one gorgeous crown tailed male. One of the females is a double tail im sure.


WOW nice crown tails! where did you find them 3Kitty3 pet store or local breeder?



We got them at Big Al's in Kanata..  We brought the CT home, put it in its new tank and it has serious issues we didnt see when it was in its tiny little cup in the store.   It cant swim horizontally..  it kinda floats on its tail...  
we will more than likely return him tomorrow.  It breaks my heart, he's a beaut!!


sorry to hear about your crown tail situation sarahbella unfortunatly in the fish hobby you have to truly becareful, There is no reason that they shouldn't replace it.

Love me or hate me for this but, when I shop for fish at any store I make it a point to throughly double check the fish.

If i purchase a Betta i ask it be taken out and see how it looks at a full view in a full Tank.  Or sometimes you get lucky and they have bettas swimming in a community tank.

This also helps to see how its demeanour with other tank mates, when you purchase Bettas in these so called Betta containers you aren't guaranteed what the temperment of the fish will be.

I realize the the history of the Bettas when they say they are content in small quarters, but how sociable do you think a fish can be if you leave it by it's self in a crammed spot where it can barely move to turn.

And how heathy are it's fins if the water isn't constantly changed in quaters so crammed that it barely has room to fully expand.

In your case sarahbella you weren't able to detect the Bettas defect for this reason of it not having enough room for it to properly be able to move let alone enough room to have a decent swim.

But to be fair it's really no ones fault unless the society of the bettas fish changes in that the beautiful Betta fish will always be viewed as a display fish or show fish.

Rather then a community fish first,  but if given the right care and enviroment the Betta can be a great addition to an Aquarium.

Unless of course one wants to simply enjoy thier beauty by themselfs or decide to breed them.

Good luck with your next fish hopefully it will turn out okay sarahbella.

                          Take Care


Quote from: "sarahbella"We got them at Big Al's in Kanata..  We brought the CT home, put it in its new tank and it has serious issues we didnt see when it was in its tiny little cup in the store.   It cant swim horizontally..  it kinda floats on its tail...  
we will more than likely return him tomorrow.  It breaks my heart, he's a beaut!!

Why not wait it out and see if he perks up? It may just be that he doesn't have much muscle because he's been cooped up in that nasty  little jar?

I've "rescued" some pretty pathetic bettas, who looked like they weren't going to make it, and with lots of room, TLC and great food, they made a great recovery!


Your all Heart luvfishies :)
              TR :wink:


TR i agree with you 100%.  next time we buy a betta we will ask for him to be shown in a tank so i can see any visible defects.

luvfishies, Im pretty sure its a swim bladder disorder of some type.  I guess its possible for them to clear up so i will fast him for a day or so and wait a few days to take him back.

I've developed quite a soft spot for the bettas over the past few weeks and it just breaks my heart to see them in such little cups of water at the pet store.  I thought Al's was better, but last night when i walked in there most of the cups were so brown and foul, i wish i could have taken them all home!!!  

On a lighter note, our Betta eggs started hatching last night.  It was soooo much fun to watch! It seemed like they just fell head first from the nest.  Byron was swimming around frantically catching them, putting them in bubbles and putting them back in the nest!  

Im even contemplating getting rid of my pair of convicts so i can use my tank as another betta breeding tank lol.  We bought a beautiful yellow coloured female last night thats begging to be bred lol and we also bought a DT female for the same price as a regular female. (the male DTs were $20ea)


Personally, I would avoid shifting the bettas into a tank, etc. I know it makes sense to check for defects, etc, but that's alot of stress for the fish. But that's just me personally. As for the cups, unfortunately spreading out 50-100 bettas throughout the tanks is just not an option. At Innes, we make sure they get cleaned out at least once a week.


Unfortunately, in cups that small they should be leaned out every day... not that you don't have enough work to do already ;)


Paleo i agree...   in cups as small as those daily water changing is essential. The water in the cups at al's was brown and disgusting, like the water hadnt been changed in weeks...  

I think the fish are kept in the store far too long to be kept in such small cups.  These fish are so beautiful i bet they would sell a lot better if displayed and sold in the betta kits.  These make the perfect first fish for children. Way better than goldfish.

We have an effecient way to do it here.  We use water from the tank to fill the containers after we syphon out all the gook with a turkey baster ;)    We put all the nasty water back in the big tank to be filtered....We also keep a mystery snail in each container to keep down the food waste..  this seems to be working well so far, like little ecosystems.. :)