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my tank is overpopulated... :S

Started by littlelil, October 11, 2005, 12:07:15 AM

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This is my first time on the discussion board, and it just so happens that there was a recent discussion about ID sharks. This is excellent becuase now i know that someone is going to want to shoot me for what i'm doing to my poor babies.... ultimately, i just want some advice...

Here it goes...
I have 3 ID sharks. They were bought at the Barrhaven SP about a year ago and they were quite small (and on sale.. babies, maybe?). I was [definately definately definately] warned about the out-growing of the tank, but wanted the sharks anyway since i had a few before but they all died, but one. Surprisingly, though, the last one lived for several more months, until my tank was wiped out by a bad case of Ick. My family hates them, but I love my ID sharks to a million pieces and i want them to be happy and grow to as big as possible!

My question is if it's time to upgrade to a larger tank, and what will happen if i don't?

Two Rainbow sharks  ~3+ inches long each
Three ID sharks  ~3 inches long each
six tiger barbs ~1inch each
two siamese algae eaters <1inch each
one kuhli loach (i think)
three red-eye tetras ~1inch each
one random thing that eats stuff at the bottom of the tank ~1inch (it was given to me... long story)

Now, i KNOW the general rule is to give each inch of fish at least one gallon of water, so technically they should be in a tank that's at least 30gallons.  Well heres the sad part... :oops:

All these fish reside in a 20-gallon tank. The water level stays about 2-3 inches from the top to prevent jumpers becuase i don't have a lid, so it's actually much less than 20gallons of water

My fishies have been pretty content with their living space so far (at least 6 months) but i've noticed that they've been fighting a lot more lately. Could this be because there's not enough space? Is a 20-gallon tank still big enough for three 3-inch ID sharks (hypothetically saying, without any other fish in the tank)?

I've been looking into a 30-gallon tank, used. Or better yet, a 36-gallon bowfront to go on sale at SP. =P

If anyone can give me any advice on what to do, or just any random advice in general, that would be great.


I also have a 10gal with 2 firebelly newts, and 2 algae eaters (not sure what kind. i'm thinking chinese algae eater.. these were given to me as well), and a 3.5 gallon with a betta and three african dwarf frogs. Both tanks are doing very well..


My only advice is to buy a tank before they all kill each other...


WOW... :shock:  18 fish in a 20 gallon...  Uhmmm I dont know much about fresh water fish but I dont even know if a 30 gallon would be enough for the fish you just mentioned...

Sorry I aint any help...  You might want to look at the clasified area maybe you can find a used tank there...



A 36 gallon will still eventually be outgrown by the ID sharks.
The consequences of a tank too small can be:
#1 Incraesed aggression (intra- or inter- species)
#2 Stunted growth (definitely bad for fish health)
#3 Easily polluted water volume
among others.
If you're serious about keeping the sharks long term ur gonna need at least a 55, IMO, if not larger.


Growth stunting is that old concept of a fish not outgrowing an aquarium. The other board I hang out at has a resident Aquatic Biology major that gave a good expanation of it.

He says the fish's internal organs will not develop corectly and the fish will die prematurely from these organ deformaties. As your fish have spent 6 months of their childhood cramed in a 20g I doubt they have developed corectly and probly have already developed deformed internal organs. Its kinda crule to do that to animals but aquarium hobiests have been doing it since the hobby got started.

Thats just the physical side of things.


You should be able to pick up a used 55 at a reasonable price; or even new.
Not sure if I agree with the growth stunting theory; most discus you see at lfs are stunted; and many in home tanks and I don't think their lifespan is much shorter.



55g full equiped at pets smart for 229$ (without the stand)
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO


You have one filter already on the 20 so you can supplement another with a 55.  NJ - how much was just the tank going for?



I'm not sure, I'm going there this afteroon

there also the 50g plus 10g at 170$ if the promotion is still on
I,ll write you back later in the day :D
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO


Quote from: "mseguin"A 36 gallon will still eventually be outgrown by the ID sharks.
The consequences of a tank too small can be:
#1 Incraesed aggression (intra- or inter- species)
#2 Stunted growth (definitely bad for fish health)
#3 Easily polluted water volume
among others.
If you're serious about keeping the sharks long term ur gonna need at least a 55, IMO, if not larger.

Um. Even a 55 gallon isn't enough.

An id shark can grow up to 52" according to Planet Catfish (which is in my opinion a very reputable site.)

Check out the shots of people who've caught these fish fishing!  :shock:


I said minimum, I agree, bigger would be much better. Also, I believe that there are several species that are all sold as ID sharks.


wow, thanks for the advice guys. I will definately try to look into a bigger tank than a 30gallon. ... i appreciate all the replies...