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Sand for Aquarium

Started by morrom, July 17, 2011, 04:47:59 PM

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Hello All

My GF is starting up shrimp and we want to add sand to the tank as part of the hard scape. We want a light brown/white sand any ideas were we can get something like that. This is a small tank 5.5G so we don't need a lot.



I have used white sand for a couple of my shrimp tanks and have taken it out of all of them... The shrimp will attempt to blend to their background - on light substrate the shrimp will stay very light in color. I now only use black or dark blue substrate for my tanks...

I got the white sand from Home Depot, the black and blue sand from Big Al's...


You will pay more $$ but you can get aquarium sand from the local fish stores...

otherwise Mermaid has their 50 lb bags for $7 i think it is? last time I bought it there they were having a crazy sale so purchased sand for the pool filter and tanks ;)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Mermaid sells it for about $9 with tax, just bought some a month ago, nice sand, not quite white but off-white in colour.  But it needs to be rinsed like ten times before using as it's full of sediment.
125g, 32g, 7g


Cool thanks for the info guys, I don't need a lot of sand but it looks like I will end up buying a lot more then I need luckily it isn't expensive.
@ bergenm thanks for the advice on the shrimps, I wasn't aware they would bleed out there color to better blend into there environment tho I am not surprised they are prey in the wild. We are not planning on using a lot of sand in the tank as mentioned so I hope this doesn't affect there coloring to much. Just looking to create a cool hard scape, a little beach front resort for them  :). Of course pics will be posted  ;).


I might still have some of the white sand kicking around if you just need a pound or two... Let me know if you want some and I can check if I still have it...
