Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Nerine, April 27, 2011, 11:10:02 AM

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Quote from: Fishnut on April 27, 2011, 06:48:46 PM
  I have a small Thai Basil plant that's going outside as well as a chive plant. 

Watch where you put your chives they also have a tendency to spread everywhere,
if they get a chance to go to seed. :)
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Thanks! As soon as I teach my husband the difference between young chives and weed grass, maybe they,ll have a chanse :)


How does everyone germinate their raspberries? Indoor or out? I planted mine about 5 days ago and they haven't sprouted yet. [/impatient]


Quote from: robt18 on April 29, 2011, 11:47:24 AM
How does everyone germinate their raspberries? Indoor or out? I planted mine about 5 days ago and they haven't sprouted yet. [/impatient]

I always get plants. Seeds take longer till they produce a crop. My grandfather always set a new row out every 2-3 year from the existing stock. He took a health long stock and bent it to the ground and put a rock part way up. Were the stock touches the earth, root grow. After a bit cut the old stock off so you have a new plant to start in another row.



I only do mine from seeds of the food I eat :P I'm not so much in it for the food yeilds as the plant growing fun. :)

This being said, all I want is to start seeing some green! Peppers were nice and sprouted in less than a week...


Soooooooo How is everyone's gardens doing?
Drowned out, busting with sprouts or not doing anything?

I managed to get a tonne of onions in 2 weeks ago when we had some
decent weather, then planted some red onion plants. We'll be inundated with onions this year ::).
Don't ask me why I've planted so many.

Radishes, snap peas, and romaine lettuce is all up about 3 inches.
The asparagus is doing great, although at our age we can't eat as much as we used to :(.
There's still lots of planting yet to do.

Hopefully after today the weather will turn. It certainly has been a challenging spring for
farmers and gardeners as well. At least we're not flooded out.

My animals are still not out on pasture and the grass is waste high in places. We'll probably have a few
cases of bloat if we're not careful :-\.

Anyway happy gardening :).
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Now our new place has a yard before we had non... (renters) the wife started some flowers they have sprouted but no buds yet. It was some packages of wild flowers looking forward to them. The lawn was in rough shape so I got a bunch of bags of black earth at Walmart $0.88/each and several kg. of grass seed. The lawn is coming in very nicely just have to wait to mow it so it looks shabby right now... LOL We want to find one of the those manual push mowers but can't find a used one for a good price - if ya have one guess what... :) It's been fun taking care of a yard again!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Still too cold and not enough sun for palm trees :( Got some nice lilies going though!


Drowning! and we haven't gotten the plot turned over yet :\ we ran into some issues with where we put it...turns out there was some random cables under the section, going had to sit and yank out a lot of wires lol now there are wires all over the place :P and found odd wiring issues. so had to turn it all over by hand...hopefully this weekend it will be completed and things planted, till then they are outgrowing their pots!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Well how are all the gardens doing? So far as we're concerned up here it's been a great
summer so far!
Is everyone enjoying there home grown produce?

So far the radishes are done, romaine lettuce is on it's way out, eggplant
is doing well and we've had a snack already. Tomatoes are the same, picked the first
one yesterday, can't wait to taste it.
Squashes are threatening to take over the garden and they're even climbing
up the spruce trees that border the garden :o.

Our beans are a disaster, they are producing but I thought I had planted bush yellow beans,
but I have a mix of green,yellow, bush and climbers. Fun times picking these suckers, oh
well the goats will have a good snack when I get fed up picking them :). Pickled beans to be made today.

Cucumbers are just starting and yesterday made the first jar of dills.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I picked my first batch of jalapenos yesterday... Not a bad haul for someone who didn't buy any jalapeno plants.  Lowes had mis-labelled some red and yellow pepper plants, it seems. :)  (i don't mind.. mmm jalapeno!)

Broccoli was a waste of space in my garden this year.  Hopefully next year I get ANYTHING worthwhile off those plants.

My tomato plants are 6 feet tall and COVERED.   I have 4 different varieties of tomatoes and can't wait for them to turn red (or yellow) so I can eat them up!!!!

Beans... Ya... weird beans... I planted a row of yellow ones and a row of green ones.  I got 1 green plant, and my full row of yellow ones came up. It looks like I'm going to have yellow beans coming out the wazzoo though.