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nerite snails

Started by morrom, August 02, 2011, 11:45:37 AM

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Hey every one,

My Gf wants to add a couple of snails to her new nano tank, we are looking at nerite snails. We want something that is colrorful or has a cool looking shell or both!
Any suggestions?



La Niche has some spotted red nerites. They kinda look like ladybugs.

Big Al's (sorry, can't remember which location) also had yellow striped nerites. And those kinda look like bumblebees.

I guess making snails look like insects is a trend lol

You should call ahead to make sure they still have some.

Good luck!
(Oh, and if little white spots start popping out everywhere once who put the snails in, it's ok- they're just laying eggs. But sadly, they'd need to be in salt water to hatch, and you'd need a male and female snail. Not exactly easy to sex...


Nerites do an excellent job at cleaning algae from your glass.  But make sure there is enough.  I lost most of my nerites because there wasn't enough algae to feed them all : (


Thanks for the info guys, I am making a trip to La Niche this weekend I hope they still have one left.
I have a Nerite snail in my 12g tank a zebra striped one, I really like these snails colourful and unique shells with the added bonus of algae control. I actually like that fact that they cant bread in a FW tank, my 12g has a bad problem with rams horn and garden snails nothing a few assassin snails cant fix.
I guess I was looking for more info on different types of nerite snails so we could get the "coolest" looking one for her tank.

New Question...

What's your fav type of Nerite snail?


The two or three that I have are Red Striped (or red zebra) Nerites.  I love them !

By the way, mine have layed multiple eggs (they look like small sesame seeds) but the eggs never hatched... So it looks like they did breed in FW, but the eggs require higher salinity to survive and hatch.