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A Parents worst nightmare

Started by sas, September 08, 2011, 06:28:02 AM

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I know this is way out in BC, but thought I'd post it anyways.

Hope they find this little tike safe and sound.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


YIKES!!!!!  I have a 3 year old, and couldn't imagine being in these parents' shoes. 

I've had to "have a chat" with my daughter about opening the front door when the doorbell rings already more than once. 

One time, I was tiling a bathroom floor, wife was working on something in the basement and we didn't hear the doorbell.  I happened to step out of the bathroom to cut a tile and the front door was wide open, and BOTH daughters (3.5 yrs and 18 mths) were standing there, staring out at some dude who came to the door to con me into voting Liberal.  That was only mildly scary, compared to the story you linked.


I don't have kids yet but the house I bought has an alarm system that beeps any time a door opens leading to outside.  The only exception is the door to my balcony off of my bedroom.  It seems as though its more useful than just eliminating burglars...


I've slept through smoke alarms =( I would be devastated if this happen to one of my kids


wow that's terrible :( I saw the amber alert last night but I didn't read it as i was turning off the tv :(

I have locks high up on my doors to keep the tot in, the only one that doesn't have a lock at the top of the door is the front door because the whole door sticks and he can't get it open. I also have a baby gate on his room because he wanders and I'd be afraid he'd fall down the stairs or get into trouble!! So scary for these parents!! Hoping they find the little guy!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


My youngest is going to be moving into a big girl bed soon.. we have a gate at the top of the stairs that will be closed and latched every night at bedtime to prevent any overnight incidents.

That said - I highly doubt that any sleepwalking 3 year old would be able to get out a front door on his or her own.  The farthest my oldest has ever gotten sleepwalking is mid-way down the stairs before waking up crying - and she CERTAINLY wasn't conscious enough to do anything like open a front door.

The guy they are looking for who is "of interest" probably has the little guy.  I hope that they find him safe and sound soon!


Still nothing, so worrying.
Our oldest was a sleep walker, very upsetting when we found her out
of bed and could carry on a full conversation with her, talk her back to bed
and she wouldn't remember a thing the next morning.
We always had the doors locked when the kids were little and also latches
that were out of reach so doors couldn't be opened.

Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


The boy was brought back by the abductor. It's a miracal that the parents got their child back safe and sound. I was so relieved that the little guy was brought back.


Wow so happy that this story turned out well.
Heard the news while I was doing chores and was so relieved.
Phew what are the chances, it could have gone so terribly wrong.

Wonder what happens now, hopefully the little guy hasn't been
damaged, physically or mentally.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Wow.. the guy they were looking for is a convicted sex offender.  He took the little dude undetected by anyone.  Then, during this whole thing, the family was staying somewhere else.  The kidnapper called the police, and told them that Kienan could be found in his house -- and that's where the kid was.  The guy was not there.

SO, he was taken undetected, and returned right where he was taken from undetected.  Now that is some scary stuff.

I am so happy that he was returned OK.  No harm seems to have come to him... And he's young - which means his memory is not going to be so great and this will all disappear into the past for him.  If he was 4 or 5, memories stick a little longer....