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My New 90 Gallon Tank Setup - Comments Please

Started by darkdep, October 11, 2005, 08:12:27 AM

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Yes, I was very diligent cleaning the slate :)  What's also cool is that because the tank is going against a wall, I'm going to put the equipment mostly on that side, so it won't ruin the view of the background.

rockgarden:  I'll never give up my Africans.  You know that!


Wow, looks great!  Can't wait to see pics with fish in it!  One day I'd like to learn how to do carpentry-type stuff... fantastic!


Maybe I should do a clinic at an Ovas meeting (laughs at the absurdity).

I've been garage-woodworking for 3 years now, and this is my largest project to date.  It's one of the reasons I like fish so actually lets me work on one of my OTHER hobbies at the same time!  

Although now I'm gonna have to come up with a new project...


I'm happy to announce that my tank is now populated!

Pics of the new Tank and it's inhabitants!


Very nice, that background looks sharp with the filler now in the tank.


Looks excellent - congrads on a job well done.



What a nice Aulonocara Baenschi you have there, where did you get that?  :lol:  8)


Looking good.....glad to see the new tenants have moved in.


Looking great! I love fuellis. How did you sex yours? Venting?

Just one suggestion, and that would be to move a couple of the sword plants to the back of the tank, rather than having all the plants in a row out front.


Wow. That is absolutely fantastic. I really like the job you did with the background slate. I wasn't too sure at first how I felt about it - but then with the filler slate actually in the tank - I was convinced it's fantastic!  :D

That certainly is a LOT of light you have coming from there. Really fantastic though. And I love how you have it set up so certain timers go off at different times. That is just great! What type of timer are you using for this? Or is it multiples? And what increments do you have the lights coming on/off in?

Seeing something this amazing makes me want to attempt it myself. Make it a continual work in progress til one day - poof - it's done. I don't know if I have the patience for that though. (Or the money to buy the 130 gallon tank I'd want to do it with - 72"x19"x24".)

I tell ya though, that's certainly a good use of a 90 gallon tank. I've already gotten odd comments from a few people here when I said that I was going to put my bearded dragon in my 90 gallon.  :lol:


luvfishes: The OB variety of Fuelli is pretty distinct in the sexes, the males being the blue and the females being yellow/orange.  I actually have a second smaller female in there as well.  Also, point taken on the plants...the only thought there is trying to keep the plants in a distinct area away from the rock, in an attempt to minimize digging up.  You'll also notice I piled little rocks around the base of most of the plants to also discourage digging.

Mettle:  Thanks so much!  Right now it's a very low tech timing method, and that's with seperate plug-in timers (the power-bars are bolted high in the stand, and all the wiring is in there is literally a single power cord coming out to the wall).  Although, I recently discovered some powercentres that look like a regular powerbar but have built-in timers for each port, and if I like em when I get my hands on one, I'll be replacing all the timers with those.  I'm still experimenting with the lights, but I'm aiming for a simple 5-minutes between bulbs coming on and going off, to simulate a sunrise/sunset effect.

Unfortunately, my moonlights as of last night have died...don't know why.  Gotta troubleshoot that when I can, but it's pretty hard to inspect the wiring now :D

I'm going to take a break from building for a bit, fix up the rest of the basement, then decide on a new big tank project.



I thought the OB was a distinct colour morph, as compared to the blue variety.


Very nice indeed. Why are some of those fish better looking in your tank than mine?
You definetly have some carpentry skills. (and some fish trading skill also...  :)  )


Pegasus:  I think it's the background.  And I look forward to making many more of your fish look better in my tank :lol:

And thank you for the kind words.