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Aquarium Lights for SAD

Started by HappyGuppy, November 02, 2011, 11:22:28 AM

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Hey folks,

I've been thinking more about a previous topic regarding the light from a coral tank might help with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder aka Winter Blues).

I've been thinking... what if you buy a CFL screw-in aquarium light from Big Al's that is "Full Spectrum" and put that in a desk lamp and shine it upon yourself for about an hour a day?  I think maybe putting a lamp on my work desk with such an aquarium bulb might be a good thing.

I am seriously thinking about trying it to see if it makes a difference.  I have some T5HO bulbs I could use, but I haven't seen a suitable 2 foot desk lamp for them ;P

What do you think?  Any smarty pants have any suggestions on how to improve this?  Anyone else wanna try this and post about it?


I ran across this subject while doing my thesis research a few years ago. The results were a surprise to me.
Quote from a National Research Council of Canada paper on the claims of full spectrum light research. " The problem in full-spectrum lighting research is that so many studies have so many flaws that the picture is very cloudy "
In short, there is still a question of what, if any, effect full spectrum light has on humans. There are lots of claims and little solid research. So you might want to save your money.
Read more here


Thank you Brine.  I downloaded the PDF to look over soon.

I just hooked up a clamp on lamp to my desk and put in a 20w 50/50 (half actinic and half sun) which has been about 12 inches from my face for the past 30 minutes.  I don't know if it is just my mind, but I do actually feel better!

Here is something I just came across.

I think I'm gonna buy a nicer desk lamp and screw in a full spectrum cfl and a 40w 6500k cfl.  Will see what that does.  Been eyeing my Life-Glo T5HO tubes just sitting there... debating whether to use a pair of those over my desk.  Hmmm... will first see how the cheaper solution works, and if I feel any significant benefit to it.

I don't have "SAD", but as with most people I do find that in the winter I get a bit down.  The fact that my office is in the basement of my house doesn't help either. 


There are studies out there that indicate light therapy from balanced "full spectrum" compact flourescents have decreased the symptoms of SAD in patients with moderate to severe degrees of the disorder.  There are quite a few CFL's that are not specifically designed, or marketed, for SAD treatment that have a very good spectrum for use in treatment...and as such are not artificially inflated in price like many of the bulbs sold for the express purpose of SAD light therapy.  Phillips makes a very good CFL that has a balanced light output in the 5000 degree kelvin range.  Outdoor, noonday sunlight (which is the best thing to treat SAD) is roughly 5500 degrees kelvin.

I'm not surprised that you found sitting under the light made you feel better, pretty much every person I have talked to who tries it finds that they feel better after.
I haz reef tanks.


Not to hijack the thread too much...   

On top of light therapy, taking a dose of 1000IU Vitamin D per day helps too :)

    [li]72 gal bow: various exotic cichlids


Thank you posters.

FishBuddy, that's not a hijack but a worthy addition. Thanks.  Will start taking D again now that it is the season for it.

Stussi, thanks for that info.  I was beginning to speculate, after reading around, that such a bulb might work.  Will pick one up soon to see how it "feels".

Yup, I have my 50/50 light on at my desk and I do subjectively feel better.  I drank no coffee yesterday or today and I found that for me after about 15 minutes with the light I don't need the coffee any more.  The effects are subtle, but in a sense, profound.  I feel better already, just by having a light bulb so close to me.

Well, I'm gonna try the Phillips daylight bulb, the biggest one I can find (40 watts or so), and I think that I shall be keeping this light on at my desk during the day throughout the winter.  For years I have been mildly complaining that I don't get enough sun during the winter, and my desk work in my office feels like a cave.  I am delighted (pun intended) to have finally come up with a solution to this.


I recommend that you reading this give this a try for yourself.  Maybe it can be of some value to you too.


This looks like it'll be perfect.  Now just need to find a suitable lamp to house it in, but for now I'll use my clamp on light to my desk.


So I bought the light linked to above.  It sure is bright!  6500k, nice & white "daylight".  Using it on my desk already.  May take a bit to get used to it, but I feel that it will actually be a benefit to use during the winter.  I do notice that just having it on has a wake-up & cheer-up feel to it.  I think that this is a good thing to have, will boost productivity, and make me feel better too.

I would recommend this to others to try.


Not completely unrelated. :-\  8)

Need to get out on the trails again today.  The sun is shining. I need another dose of sunshine!  Have a good weekend.



I find having a fish tank helps with SAD :) maybe that's why I have them sprinkled everywhere??? That and the maybe it is because of the lights & the happy little critters???

good luck :)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts