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Setting up my 15 gal

Started by Lurch1, February 06, 2012, 03:39:55 PM

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I havent asked at BA yet, but I will be calling soon to see if they can get them. The tank isn't cycled yet, but I don't plan on adding fish for a couple weeks. I used the fishless cycling for my salousi tank and it worked amazingly. I added some ammonia when I thought it was done and it FULLY processed it in 24 hours to Nitrate.

Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it.


Where is this chicken?  I don't see it....  :-[ 

I like your wood, and I agree that the JF will grow slowly enough that it won't be an issue. 
Are there any fish in there yet?


No fish yet, I am going to wait until it is cycled first.


So I had to take my tank apart and replace the sand. There were little stones in the sand raising my pH. I caped the dirt with crushed granite pfs. My wife actually had input this time so I figured I would take the suggestion. I think it looks awesome. What can I put on the right side to cover up that space? I was thinking of adding Alternanthera reineckii in front of the swords, but would like a foreground plants that would go well. I actually have my 55w T5 over the tank now so the plant options are wide.

Taken 2 hours after setup.


Quote from: Lurch1 on March 22, 2012, 06:16:15 PM
So I had to take my tank apart and replace the sand. There were little stones in the sand raising my pH. I caped the dirt with crushed granite pfs. My wife actually had input this time so I figured I would take the suggestion. I think it looks awesome. What can I put on the right side to cover up that space? I was thinking of adding Alternanthera reineckii in front of the swords, but would like a foreground plants that would go well. I actually have my 55w T5 over the tank now so the plant options are wide.

Taken 2 hours after setup.

Can't keep your hands out of the tank hey? Welcome to the club  ;)

I think this layout looks better, I personally like the huge JF but I would move it more towards the back of the tank. It might just be the picture but it kind of looks like it's about to jump out at you and leaves you guessing what could be behind it... Just my 2 cents.

I don't know if you took the piece of wood out or not but maybe some wood would look good in the tank, and that pleco I'm seeing at the bottom right (that's a pleco right?) would appreciate the wood.

Might I also suggest some caves and or huts, especially if you're still inclined to get apistos for the tank. They'll appreciate the hiding spots and the spawning options if you've got the right conditions.

Keep up the good work, looks good.



Here is another view. I really suck at taking pics. The DW makes 1 nice cave underneath. It's vary concave  ;D. I was thinking about the fern being to big there, I have a stone soaking to make sure it's pH safe that I can use at the back. I'll move the fern after I test it.  The 2 stones w/ DW also form a couple caves which I was pleased about. Thanks for the tips, I appreciate the input.

As of right now there are 8 juvenile plecos roaming the new tank with a few RCS.


May I ask where you got the Echinodorus Tenellus?


It's actually dwarf sag. Apparently it almost the same except sag sends out runners under the substrate and the tenellus sends them over the top.