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Do filters get old?

Started by AdamR, October 24, 2005, 07:43:31 PM

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I have an Aquaclear 150, I got it second hand so I know it is a few years old.  It is in my 29 gallon tank but does not seem to be keeping the water as clean and clear as when I had the same fish in a 10 gallon with a smaller filter.

Do they get old?  Should I buy a bigger more powerful one?  Any recommendations?  Aquaclear/Marineland Penguin/ Tetra Whisper...   Anyone have one for sale? (That last question should probably be in the classified section.)



when you moved the fish to the new tank did you put the old media in your filter or did you get new media?  It could be a change in the water parameters making the water seem dirty/cloudy.

The AC150 is too small for that tank.

To answer your question, yes filter will wear producing less water flow.  The time it takes depends on how well they are maintained.


I have the 150 on the 20 gallon; and was considering upgrading or adding a sponge because I don't find it's adequate filtration.



Thanks for the info.

I did not bring the old media over (I think I should have.) The new tank did cycle and then I did a 40% water change.  It was clear after the water change but it is starting to get cloudy again.

Most of my water tests are near 0, always have been except for the cycle.

I even added the filter from the 10g but it does not seen to be helping much.

Next step: Any recommendations? Aquaclear/Marineland Penguin/ Tetra Whisper...


Want a second Aquaclear 150 for your tank?  :wink:


Marineland Penguin 170 would be perfect for your tank and is onsale at Big Al's for ~$37.  It keeps my 33 gallon nice and clean.


I really like the penguin, - excellent biological filtration.  
How many fish do you have in there, and what are you feeding them?  If you don't want to upgrade filter, maybe try cutting back on feeding.


Adam - I was thinking of adding a little sponge filter running off the air pump.  It would be more biological but not mechanical.
I have one in the cupboard.  :wink:



I think the new Emperors are just fine but the penguins . . . . I have a 330 sitting here collecting dust. I dont thnk much of the paper thin media catrtages myself.

Penguins belong at walmart. Go for the Emperor.


Kenny - are you referring to the bio wheel on the penguin?



Quote from: "kennyman"I think the new Emperors are just fine but the penguins . . . . I have a 330 sitting here collecting dust. I dont thnk much of the paper thin media catrtages myself.

Me neither.  On mine, I use the plastic from a ripped-apart cartridge to keep media away from the biowheel, and then stuff the area behind it with floss.  Wurks Grate.



I'll give you my address, you can send the 330 to me and I will dust it for you.


I have cut the feeding down from 4 times a day to 2.  I rotate Nutrafin Flake food, Freeze Dried Tablets, Complete Micro Granules and Sinking Shrimp Pellets with the a treat of frozen blood worms every now and then.

As for fish (they are all small - less than 1")
5 Red Platies (new since moving from 10g to 30g)
4 Neon Tetras
2 Lightspot Corys
5 Tiger Barbs (new since moving from 10g to 30g)
6 Gold Barbs
1 Guppy (but she thinks she is a Gold Barb)

Total less than 23" of fish and they all swim and play nice together, no aggression here.


You have alot of fish in there and some are heavy poopers.
Your load is too heavy; that's why your water is cloudy.
Flake and bloodworms would be appropriate for everyone in there.
Cories will eat flake and what goes to the bottom- and bloodworms.
Or try adding a hydro sponge for more biological filtration, there is also another sponge that runs from the air pump at ba's.  It is about $10.


ps.  I have an oscar who does personal consultations. just kidding.  :wink:  :)



Thanks again,

All of my fish eat all of the foods.

I loved the Red Platies until I saw one of those 2" poops hanging from it's butt.  If I return them do you think Iwould be okay without any new equipment?


I really like platies;   but I've seen the amount of poop in a bb tank.
You could try that, they will reproduce in your tank.



Quote from: "Julie"Kenny - are you referring to the bio wheel on the penguin?


I think Kenny is referring to the very thin layer of filter floss that lines the cartridges, not the biowheel.

I've owned Penguins and I've owned Emperors.  While I would use an Emperor again, I won't use a Penguin.  Relying on the flow of the filter to turn the biowheel just doesn't work.  It eventually stops.  At least the emperor has a dedicated spray bar on a second pump.


.... and once in a while you need to rinse the filter media in used tank water, as well some filters need to have the impellers wiped off monthly.


I have rinsed the filter media but I did not know about impellers needing wiped off .


Good point on the impeller, my little one had something wrapped around it -a  piece of greenery I think; I finally figured out what that chemical smell was.



Well - the directions with my filters suggest dismantling the thing monthly, and rinsing off the parts. I doubt that everyone does the whole thing so often... but I try to.  It's the first thing I try if the filter motor sounds funny.


I wipe the impellers off Monthly and clean out the inside of the motor.  Probably do not need to do it so often but it makes me feel good. 8)

If the motor is too dirty it will not restart after a power failure.  It will get real hot though..