Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

African violets in Ottawa?

Started by Nyx, September 12, 2011, 12:51:01 PM

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Went to the show on Saturday and the sales table was insane.   I arrived perhaps 10 minutes after it opened, and the sales table was jam packed.  No-one allowed me to squeeze in, or peek over a shoulder.   I waited patiently, and no space opened up, so I ended up asking and apologizing for stretching an arm in to lift a plant and have a look.    It was so busy I left it and wandered the show plants, then when I returned 20 minutes later there was space to see things but it had been cleaned out!   At least cleaned out of most of the really different plants.  Variegated leaved plants were gone.

I bought leaves for Irish Flirt, after one of the OAVS members raved on about it.  Double bright green and white star flowers, with medium green wavy leaves.  Semi-miniature.  A profuse bloomer.

I met Trina, from Bloomlovers.   We had a lovely chat.  Btw, if anyone decides to make another order, there is just ONE more that I want.

Many of the show plants were for sale as well, at differing prices.   I bought Prancing Pony, a semi minature with Double dark pink pansy/dark blue fantasy flowers.  I also bought Rob's Combustible Pigeon (!!!), pictured here:

There were many stunning violets (as well as Streptocarpus and others).
Some of my favourites were:
Ma's Watermelon (this was my #1 fav)

Crimson Ice:

Buckeye Seductress:

I absolutely WANT a deep red.   This is a terrible picture of a stunning minature.   It was already sold or I would have bought it.  Precious Red.  Trina from Bloomlovers thinks she has a Jolly variety that is deep red.

Optima Van Gogh:



Nice very nice, so glad someone made it out to the show.
Thanks for posting pics they're great!
Really like Rob's Combustible Pigeon as well as
Buckeye Seductress.

I'm pretty sure I have Optima Van Gogh if anyone is interested in a leaf.
I'm going to try to get to the May OVAS meeting since it is the elections so
if anyone wants to trade leaves? ;)

"I met Trina, from Bloomlovers.   We had a lovely chat.  Btw, if anyone decides to make another order, there is just ONE more that I want."

That's nice that you got to meet Trina. I had another order all set to go but the better half questioned where I thought I was going to have room for more plants so a scrapped the order. We need a bigger house!
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.