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My 25 Gallon build!

Started by daworldisblack, January 25, 2012, 11:14:40 PM

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QuoteBrenda, I wonder how your carpet is doing? Smiley I know it was a pain to plant these lil buggers!

Not as well as yours!  No co2.  ;)  Slow but steady.  I am on the newb side of the learning curve so some I suspect I planted poorly, giving it no chance.

Tank is looking awesome.  I LOVE the lotus. 


Quote from: Peekay on March 28, 2012, 05:20:36 PM
Not as well as yours!  No co2.  ;)  Slow but steady.  I am on the newb side of the learning curve so some I suspect I planted poorly, giving it no chance.

Tank is looking awesome.  I LOVE the lotus. 

I also have what is now a rather big red tiger lotus in my grow-out tank and oddly enough, it's doing better under the LED lights than it was before when I had 2 CFLs on there. I have no idea why but the new leaves have been thicker with a deeper red whereas before, the leaves were a bit bigger but fairly thin and greenish...

Nice setup BTW Rah, how have the rams been doing?


Quote from: bizfromqc on March 29, 2012, 07:36:21 AM
I also have what is now a rather big red tiger lotus in my grow-out tank and oddly enough, it's doing better under the LED lights than it was before when I had 2 CFLs on there. I have no idea why but the new leaves have been thicker with a deeper red whereas before, the leaves were a bit bigger but fairly thin and greenish...

Nice setup BTW Rah, how have the rams been doing?
That is interesting about the lotus under the LED's.  I was just yesterday contemplating moving one to an LED tank and wondering how it would do.  I think I will give it a try.


Your tank is looking great!  Thanks for updating us, and I look forward to watching its progress  :)


Figured it was time for an FTS.

I moved last weekend so this tank has survived the move. Whew.. wasn't as bad as I expected actually. Good thing its only 25G! Whew! Plants wise I have some new additions in there.. got some E. Setaceum, Rotala Vietnam and dwarf L. Aromatica from Errol this past weekend so those are there. I took out the Ludwiga Repens , L. Sessiliflora and L. Aromatica as they were not looking good in there. Either too leggy or not doing well. I also acquired a healthy specimen of C. Calamistratum at the DRAS auction so its lending some of its grace to the look. Most growth that I am pleased with is the S. Repens on the front right. HM had grown like crazy and I chopped it all off. Same for R. Rotundifolia. The L. Arcuata is the tallest plant in there right now which I will trim later and replant.

Livestock wise, I lost my Male Ram :( I dont know what happened. It looked fine and was doing well till that evening I saw it on the verge of death. I took him out and put him in his own quarantine tank but he was gone the next morning. I am also going to lose my male dwarf Gourami to dropsy soon it looks like. Its bloated and from everything I've read, looks like there isn't much I can do for that lil guy :( I also dropped a small group of 6 Black Phantom Tetras in there a few weeks ago and they are doing fine although they hide alot.

Feedback welcome.

P.S: Thanks for all the previous comments. I must've missed them so apologies for not responding to them.

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Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Rah! That tank is looking unreal!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sorry to hear about the german blue ram, but the tank looks good!
125g, 32g, 7g


Good job! That's my kind of planted tank.
What are you growing in the very front, middle, that's very low?
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


I think that's the lilaeopsis mauritania that Charlie shared?  Yours has spread much faster than mine, Rah!  The staurogyne also looks very happy.. love that plant.

Looks great, I'm glad the move went well.

So sorry about your losses.  :(  Always sucks.


Your tank looks great.  I am sorry about your ram and your gourami.  I, too, have black phantoms, and mine seem to like to live in the plants, too, so I don't see them much since my tank is heavily planted as is yours.  I see them at feeding time, though lol.  I find that the fish sold as yellow phantoms are out more.


Thanks for the comments guys. Yeah the losses are a bummer - they were both real nice showy fishes. The female ram is doing awesome though and its got amazing colours too. The male gourami is still holding on but I suspect its a matter of days.. sigh..

Quote from: fischkopp on May 09, 2012, 08:52:09 AM
What are you growing in the very front, middle, that's very low?

Quote from: Peekay on May 09, 2012, 09:15:45 AM
I think that's the lilaeopsis mauritania that Charlie shared?

I didn't have ID on that plant for a while and thought it was LM as Brenda said as well. It was also def not DHG Parvula so upon further research i've found that its DHG Belem or sp. Japan. It is shorter then Parvula and grows curved instead of straight up. As well it doesn't have little buds at the tips of the blades like other DHG species I've seen. Slow grower too so perfect for those who want the DHG look in the foreground w/o the hassles of having to trim frequently.
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Good job Rah, hope the E. Setaceum do goood for you, can be a bit of a challenge but it`s well worth it.


wow been a few months cough cough  ;D


Haha.. been a few changes and lack of maintenance - will update in due time.. promise! :p
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!