Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

I'm back!

Started by Funkmotor, October 08, 2012, 12:57:00 AM

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Some of you may remember me from my days as a salty.  Moved around this time last year and had to shut everything down, but now I'm back and going f/w this time.

I've got a 55 on the stand, pressurized CO2 rig and 5 bags of black Eco-Complete for starters.  The idea is going to be to keep nano-sized fish only in the thing, preferably ones that will shoal, and shrimp as well...I love the shrimp and they do well for me.

I used to have a lot of f/w tanks but it's been about 6 years and it looks like a fair bit has changed, so I'm sure I'll be full of questions.


Welcome back to OVAS and the hobby. :)
Looking forward to your tank build.
Keep us posted.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Welcome back. Once a saltie, always a saltie.  It's only a matter of time.   ;D
120G Reef


Welcome back! Plenty of members with FW setups that can help :)
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Love the idea of nano fish and shrimp! A handful of us have been bitten by the shrimp bug so I'm sure we can probably help you get started!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Welcome back and welcome back to FW!!  ;D

I have a 40 gallon set up right now exactly how you're thinking of.

Celestial Pearl Danios
Eurythromicron Danios
Chilli Rasboras
White Cheek Gobies (porfile photo)
Pygmy/Sparkling Gouramis
Valiants chocolate gouramis (although they're not exactly micro)
Panda Garas
Amano Shrimp
Scarlet Badis

There no heater in the tank (none of my fish like warm water), lots of plants and a couple bits of driftwood.  No CO2 or special gravel either, but that's just me.  If it doesn't grow on fish poop, I don't keep it :)

Might add the 3 Mexican Dwarf Crayfish...not too sure yet though.  I had them before and they do catch the odd fish.

I'm keeping an eye out for some pygmy cory cats to add.  I was about to get 30 of them from Spencer Jack but he discovered that the entire batch was infected with some kind of virus and didn't ship them to me.  Phew!! I also used to have a bunch of cherry shrimp in the tank but they all got picked off by something.  I'm thinking the gobies.  Not too sure, but they're all gone and my water is perfect.  It just doesn't make sense.

Looking forward to seeing how you do your tank!


Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!  It is true that there's still a draw to s/w, but it does require a lot more maintenance, electricity and *cash* than f/w so that's where it's at for me.

Those Celestial Pearl Danios look pretty good...they're certainly new since the last time I had a fresh tank.

I suppose my biggest concern is getting fish that do well together and that are all basically the most spectacular looking and/or behaving in their I won't have a lot of fish.  And I love German Blue Rams so maybe a pair (or trio) of those.

Anyway, I think I should start a tank build thread and keep this stuff in there...