Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

2012 October General Meeting

Started by sylros, October 06, 2012, 11:09:27 AM

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Here are some of the pictures from tonight`s get together. It was a great turnout and I think we all had fun!;cat=70

For those who attended, let me know what your thoughts are... we always aim to learn from one meeting to the next. Also, since this is a new venue, it would be nice to get some  feedback as to the layout of things.

Thanks everyone who was able to make it! Now stay tuned for the details about our upcoming November Xmas party!

Sylvie Rossignol
Program Director


I would also like to say a big thank you to all that attended, & the execs. for making this another home run, following on our first one last month, not bad 2 for 2  ;).
The turn out for a non speaker program was fantastic infact it might just have out numbered all of last year speaker or not, we had 60 people WOW thank you again.
The fun was obvious with the trivia some teams took to present day technology to get the edge on other teams,congrats to the winning team by 1 point over the second place teamthe winning team each received a 10.00 gift certificate to La Niche.,
The Pizza was awesome & it was the first time we ran out of pizza, apologies to the couple of folks that waited too late to grab some, i would like to thank all the folks who made use of the swap tables available @ no cost & the those that bought to support the vendors, hats off to Phil,Kevin,Sebastien & Collin who all had some nice Frags available, hopefully more of the Saltwater crew will support your efforts in the future, sincere thank to Kevin who donated a Clown fish to OVAS to auction off with the proceeds going to the club - Thank You.
We sold approx. 7 new memberships at the meeting ( Bruce can you update ), and Saw a lot of new faces, from the feed back i got folks were pleased with the format & enjoyed it, also sold 5 tickets to our Xmas meal which will be offered at our next meeting on Nov.26 TH @ 6.00 PM prior to our meeting @ Greenfields Pub & Eatery,these tickest are 20.00 for a meal of either Turkey or Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, seasonal veggie.Soup or salad, if you are a paid member it`s 15.00 - more info of Nov. meeting will soon be forthcoming ...stay tune.
Tickets will be available on line via Pay Pal or by contacting myself or Sylros - get them early.
Charlie /Errol


Sounds like everyone had a good time and great turn out!

I couldn't attend last night, I didn't feel too hot and trust me, you don't want those germs spreading around a room with 60 people  ;)

I'm definitely attending the XMas dinner, I'll buy a ticket online when the details are available.


Sounds like a great evening! Couldn't be there as I was out of town for work but glad it was a success!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


The Trivia champs by a sinle bonus point  ;D - congrats


Quote from: charlie on October 23, 2012, 09:10:25 AM
I would also like to say a big thank you to all that attended, & the execs. for making this another home run, following on our first one last month, not bad 2 for 2  ;)

We're doing better than A-Rod did in the whole post season.... minus the quarter billion dollar contract.

Thanks to everyone who came out! Feedback is always welcome here, if you have any comments or suggestions about the quiz I'd be more than happy to take them and use them if I'm allowed to make it again next year :P Thanks for playing along!