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Favorite smartphone apps?

Started by 76brian, October 16, 2012, 12:29:31 AM

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Wondering if any of you use an app to track your water changes, parameters, livestock lists(or wishlists), etc... A quick search in the AppStore turned up mostly lame little games and silly things like that, not many serious hobby related apps. The ones I did find:

Pocketreef - free - salt fish/invert/coral species info only. Looks handy if you're a salty and in the lfs ...if you see something you like, you can look it up quickly.

Aqua planner - $2.99 - salt/fresh(Can't tell?), species info, maintenance scheduling(dosing, filter media, changing bulbs, water change, etc), water parameter logging, stock logging, etc. For $3 maybe I'll try it, but the website is unclear if it has FW info.

Aquarium handbook - $14.99 - salt, fresh, plants info. Logging, stock lists, this looks like it could be good but for $15 I'm not sure I'll try it unless someone says it's worth it.

Can anyone suggest any others? I'm mostly interested in iPhone apps personally, but others might like to know about droid too, so let's hear about 'em :)

Feivel , there is a cost (12$ premo per year) but its SOOOO worth it, yes you have to write your own stuff but its a great saltwater aquarium diary. if you have problems with your tank you can show that page to a fellow reefer and he could give you suggestions and why and what went wrong. lets say 2 weeks ago you added 25ml bio pellets and now your sps are having RTN ..... someone could spot that and link the fact that the extra BP is draining the rest of your goodies from the water and effeted the SPS ..... hmmm cool stuff lol.

ALSO (i think it costs for iphone but is free for Android)     
App: Aquarium ID. Perfect pocket encylopedia :)



These are droid programs

Fishwiki is great, if only for the mixture calculator
Aquarium caculator, not bad for quick temp and volume conversions
AquariumPlants Free isnt bad.  Has some basic info and pics of freshwater plants

Favorite has to be fishwiki for the mix calc
OH! and they're all free:)


fishwiki is great for the beginner aquarist wanting to understand the basic principles in keeping fish. other than that .... not great value IMO :)