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Need Help Aquascaping/Stocking Ideas

Started by masoud100, November 18, 2012, 12:53:48 AM

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I have a 55 gallon tank with Two 48 inch T5HO bulbs at a combined 108 watts. I have a NutraFin CO2 system (but dont think I am using it properly). I have Fluval Plant Substrate but my plants dont seem to be doing very well. I got Water Wisteria, Red Ludwiga and some Anubais Nana or something.

My current fish stocking is

1 Rope Fish
1 Leopard Ctenopoma
9 Green Tiger Barb
9 Tiger Barb
1 Red Tail Black Shark
3 Zebra Thorn Snails

I want to completely kind of redo my tank design etc and also looking for someone to do it for me or help me because I have seen some of OVAS forum member works and am impressed. But nobody wants to help me and I dont know why. I also would then want to restock my fish, etc and kind of only want to either keep my Rope Fish or Red Tail Black Shark. My Rope Fish is about 10 inches however it is very peaceful and I feel the Barbs are kind of aggressive compared to the rope fish


Nobody is going to want to go spend hours redecorating your tank for you, because you might not like the result. It's not like fixing a car or something. The end result of aquascaping is open to interpretation. If you don't like it, you'll want it done again, and again... and frankly, we have our own tanks to put that time and effort into for our own enjoyment.

It's your tank, nobody else can make it how you like it, only you can do that. Replant, rescape, repeat, until you find what you like the looks of. If it's not something you want to put the effort into in order to reap the rewards, you've chosen the wrong hobby.


The other problem with your request is that aquascaping is not what makes your plants look good. 

Someone could go put them all in the perfect places but what you do after that is what will make them thrive... nutrition, lights, maintenance!   Take the time to learn how to make them grow, and THEN worry about your aquascape. 

Happy learning.   ;)


Quote from: Peekay on November 18, 2012, 10:16:04 AM
The other problem with your request is that aquascaping is not what makes your plants look good. 

Someone could go put them all in the perfect places but what you do after that is what will make them thrive... nutrition, lights, maintenance!   Take the time to learn how to make them grow, and THEN worry about your aquascape. 

Happy learning.   ;)

I remember telling Masud to research & learn the relation of lights plants & nutrients, i think i refereed to it as tools in the tool box, quite in line with the good advice you are giving him/her Brenda.
Don`t mean to come across harsh, but unless you have these fundamentals licked your troubles will continue manifest, resulting in total frustration & loss of interest in the hobby.
I may have pointed you to links with good info relating to light,plants & nutrients. asking questions on those to help you understand the relation & effects would be more appropriate at this time rather than wanting to have your tank look like ones you see here or anywhere else.


The number one best skill you can learn in this hobby is patience.
125g, 32g, 7g


Well I actually love some of the members aquascaping technique and always try to invision my tanks looking like that but never coming to fruitation. However Peekay and Charlie I do want to learn and continue to do so even though making mistakes however there is nobody to guide me in perfecting my skills. I come on this forum trying to learn and read from people's advice. Can atleast anybody tell me how to do the dosing/which ones to buy and from where so that I can atleast have a foundation. Currently my dosing is horrible and I have a Nutrafin CO2 plant system that I seem to not know really how to use it as I believe it is being used incorrectly.


this is a dosing calculator.  It lets you input what chemicals you're adding, and which system you're trying to use. 
If there are any choices on the list that you don't know... google 'em!  Like "Walstad".  If you google it, you'll figure out what that method is.  Then decide if that's the technique you want to try (and by 'try', I mean stick to for at least a few months!)  The technique will specify how often/much water to change, and how often the dose is. 

Hope this helps.


Check out this thread, strongly recommend you get this e book as should every hobbyist who keeps plants.
Hope this helps
P.S after reading it & if you should have any questions about the strategies mentioned in the book  fire away ,i`m sure one of the many planted tank hobbyist will chime in.


Here are a couple of extremely useful sites in addition to what Errol and Peekay have provided. If you take the time to really read through these & you still have questions, post your questions in this thread. Folks here are more than happy to respond.

125g, 32g, 7g



Just to add a few other ideas along with all of the helpful suggestions received previously:

I have several tanks, one with pressurized CO2 and the others without CO2.  I don't get the same results with my plants without pressurized CO2.  The non CO2 tanks looks good (I think), however, nothing like the CO2 tank.  So, unless you invest in pressurized CO2, you most likely won't achieve the results of some of the members here who have spectacular tanks.

It is really a matter of experimentation with what plants will do well in your tank, with your water and light.  Without pressurized CO2, be careful with dosing fertilizers, because it is very easy to overdose, since the plants don't grow that quickly.

Is the Nutrifin system a yeast based system that uses a tablet to produce CO2?  I have found the problem with systems like this, is that the level of CO2 fluctuates.  You could try using Excel to help along with your current CO2 system.

The plants that I have had the best results with in non or low CO2 tanks are hygrophila polysperma, rotala rotundifolia, hygrophila kompackt, echinodorus (various types), dwarf nymphaea (waterlily), various cryptocornes & anubias.  There are probably a few others that I can't think of right now :-)

If you can find a copy of the book "Aquarium Designs Inspired by Nature" by Peter Hiscock at a library, it is a great book to give ideas for various aquarium layouts using natural environments & habitats as jumping off points for creating the design.

Good luck and I hope this helps a bit.


I am reading the articles and not finished yet, however can anbody direct me to the products I need. I currently mentioned everything I have in my tank from the substrate to the plants, so just want somebody to tell me which products to get


Hi Masound, If you have any pictures of your plants that would be helpful in determining nutrient deficiencies.

But, if you're looking for cheap fertilizers, some planted tank folks buy dry ferts from a hydroponics stores like B&B hydroponics. If you pick up some potassium nitrate, some mono-potassium phosphate, and the trace element mix you'll be set. You can then mix your own ferts.

BUT, I would start with a low dose at first and then gradually increase. I'm not sure if I would do a full EI method of dosing with the DIY co2 but you can play around with the dose to find the right balance based on results. The rest of your setup seems fine on paper. How deep is your substrate?
125g, 32g, 7g


You keep making the same mistake, which is, I believe, the root of your aquarium keeping problems.  It's evident in this post:

Quote from masoud100
"I am reading the articles and not finished yet, however can anbody direct me to the products I need. I currently mentioned everything I have in my tank from the substrate to the plants, so just want somebody to tell me which products to get"

 Stop skipping the research.  If you want to be as successful as the others on this website, take the time to learn.